Monday, November 30, 2009

Don't Facebook?

It's OK, go here...

Still Here

Yeah, yeah, yeah I know...everyone has been wondering where I've been. What can I say, things get busier the older you get. Here are some various shots of things I've been up to. I'll try to do better soon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lazy Day

Halloween night took so much out of me, and then the next morning I forgot it was daylight savings time, so I got up at 5:45 AM. Needless to say I needed to take it easy on Sunday and chill with Gaspar on the couch.

Halloween Week

This past week has been pretty exciting with all of the build up to Halloween. I still don't understand all of the hoopla...Mom and dad dress me up in something I don't pick out and take me out in public for people to look at me. How is that different from any other day. I guess on Halloween, people reward you for looking funny by giving you candy, although I'm only pulling in about 10% of my catch...I'm losing way to much for manager's fees.

Last Sunday, mom took me to a downtown Halloween block party for kids. I got dressed up but forgot my Yoda hat, so I was just a young Jedi. It works.

All these layers paid off with the cool temperatures.

There were firetrucks, little choo choo trains for kids and other games that tired me out.

Poor doggy.

Mom's friend Jamie and her daughter Ava came over after they wen to the block party. We've hung out a few times but this was the first time in a while. I like what she's done with her hair.

I showed her my ball pit. Just big enough for two.

On Friday, they closed off downtown again so that kids could go around to all of the businesses and trick-or-treat (be shown off by their parents). It was a little rainy, but we still had a good time. This time the costume was complete.

Everyone was a fan of Yoda, and if I keep my growth pattern going, I can still wear it next year.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween warm-up

Correct you are, if Yoda you guessed.

Just wait for the big day next weekend.

Monday, September 21, 2009