Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pics of the week

Ola everyone. "Ola" means hello in Spanish. I learned that from PBS Sprout, my favorite TV channel. I also learned some sign language, but I'll save that for later. This past week has been pretty busy for mom and I. She started back to school and I started back to daycare. I was very excited to go back, but she was not. I don't blame her, though, because now she doesn't get to hang out with me all day. We still had some good times throughout the week and here's a recap.
I can pick out my own clothes now. Nice shoes, eh?

Road construction continued, and so did I.

Big machines = cool.

Lazy days.

Mom reliving glory days with the baby bjorne. I'm a little too big.

Smile for the camera.

Trip to the park and trip to the fountain.

The best for last. Chilling out back at daycare.

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