Monday, September 29, 2008

Why is my head all wet, it's not bath time?

Instead of Sunday being a day of mourning for the fallen Bulldogs, we decided to turn it in to a happy occasion. Why not get Christened...? OK, so it wasn't a spur of the moment decision. It had been planned for a few months and was going to be another event to be around more family and friends. I mentioned in an earlier post that I would be wearing a dress (for the last time) that had been in my grandma Michigan's family for over 60 years. Mom was Christened in it, as well as all of her cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. on her mom's side. So I figured I'd be a sport and suck it up. I have to admit I looked good in it, but I look good in anything...

Here's me with mom and pops. I'm not shouting to get out of there, I promise.

Plus grandma and grandpa Georgia.

Plus grandma and grandpa Michigan, and aunt Melissa

Plus Nana, my cousin Renee and her daughter Sarah, cousin Chuck and the deacon.

They don't tell you that the water is just above freezing. Is all holy water that cold?

All done.

I even found some time to take a little nap. We still had a party to go to.

Me and my beautiful mom.

There were five other babies there and I was by far the cutest. Even the deacon said so...but he probably tells that to everyone. I had my chest and forehead blessed with some funny smelling oil and then got a certificate. I guess it's the second that I've won if you count my birth certificate. I'm on a roll. Now let's go party.

Here's the cake that I could only look at. Bummer. I hope they kept that middle part intact.

Dylan from daycare and I discuss which diapers we like the most. I think we both agree that Pampers swaddlers are the best.

Ross, Dylan's brother, came over to console me over the UGA loss.

Mom's cousin, Chuck, came in to town for our first meeting. Go Cubs, but I hope Michigan beats your Illini this weekend.

Me and aunt Melissa. I didn't pee on her this time.

And finally our gracious hosts for the afternoon. Thanks for everything, guys.

There were many more people at the reception and I want to thank all of you for coming. I had a great time being held by all of you, and my family is lucky to have you in their lives. I know there were many more photos taken, so if you email them to me, I'll put them up.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

This weekend could have been a great one in regards to college football at the Meeks household. Michigan was poised for an upset over #9 Wisconsin while the Dawgs had #8 Alabama over for a game of two-hand touch. I tried to fit in to my UM outfit but it just couldn't contain me anymore, so I spent the day supporting UGA.

I was fired up for the UM game and so was grandpa Georgia. Or he was probably just laughing at me. It happens.

Mom and dad even scored me my own lazyboy. It didn't recline, but that's OK.

I could have used a cup holder too, no place for my chest milk.

As you probably know, the Michigan game started awfully bad for the Blue, but they came back from 19 down to win 27 - 25...and there was much rejoicing. Unfortunately, UGA took a similar first half shellacking but couldn't overcome it quite the same, falling 41 - 30. Luckily I was in bed because I'm sure dad was not in the best mood. I fixed that the next morning, though.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive.

Don't worry, I'm still here. I've just been busy doing grown-up baby stuff, like rolling over, grabbing things, pronouncing the alphabet....well the vowels anyway. It would take too long to tell every story, but here are some pics to get you through the day.

As you can tell, I enjoy the outdoors.

I can pretty much sit up but a prop doesn't hurt.

Don't worry, gymnastics is not in my future.

Dad and I before the UGA v. Central Michigan game.

I geared up for the game against ASU this past weekend though.

No, they're not parachute pants. But Zubazz would be cool.

Big weekend coming up as I am getting Christened. I'm not sure what it means but I have to wear some kind of dress that's been in the family for like 100 years. Maybe not that long...cotton's lifespan tops out around 70 years.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted about my ridiculously funny adventures, but I've been a little under the weather. I got my first cold this past weekend so mom and dad have been taking extra special care of me. It's no big deal though, just extra snot and a little coughing.

I have made time to advance my skills in grabbing things, though. I can now reach out and grab something I'm looking at....on purpose. Dad has some pics that he'll get up soon. It's pretty cool. I also translated that skill in to throwing, as I chucked my pacifier about three feet last night. It looks like I may be a south paw.

Hopefully I'll get some more good stuff up this weekend.