Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yes, I'm still alive.

Don't worry, I'm still here. I've just been busy doing grown-up baby stuff, like rolling over, grabbing things, pronouncing the alphabet....well the vowels anyway. It would take too long to tell every story, but here are some pics to get you through the day.

As you can tell, I enjoy the outdoors.

I can pretty much sit up but a prop doesn't hurt.

Don't worry, gymnastics is not in my future.

Dad and I before the UGA v. Central Michigan game.

I geared up for the game against ASU this past weekend though.

No, they're not parachute pants. But Zubazz would be cool.

Big weekend coming up as I am getting Christened. I'm not sure what it means but I have to wear some kind of dress that's been in the family for like 100 years. Maybe not that long...cotton's lifespan tops out around 70 years.

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