Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone...or as the kids at daycare call it, Candy Day...or as dentists call it, the busy season. Mom and dad are pretty excited, to say the least. Even though I'm a little young to go from door to door and solicit colored sugar, I can still get dressed up. Gaspar used to take the brunt of costumes, but now that will fall on me. I won't give any hints of what I'll be, so you'll have to stay tuned.

The shirt says it all.

Extra jack-o-lanterny goodness.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Four month check-up

I know, it's hard to believe it's already been four months since I popped out of my momma. Seems like only days ago (not to mom and dad). So Friday I went to the doctor for my periodic check-up and second round of shots...eek. I had all my measurements taken first:

Length = 25 1/4"
Weight = 14 lbs 11 oz

Both put me in the 75th percentile for my age, so I'm still on track to be the greatest baby ever. Just wait.

Next came the shots. The first time I had them, you could tell the nurse practitioner was no Las Vegas casino dealer. I'm sure she tried to do them as fast as she could, but there was room for improvement. This time, however, was more like a NASCAR pitstop. She took off the caps to all of the syringes first and had the band-aids already halfway peeled off. She took each syringe, jabbed my leg, injected and moved on to the next one before I could get my first cry out. Once the shots were done, band-aids were applied with the same lighting quick accuracy. All it needed was that "wrrrrrrrrrr" noise that the air guns make they use to take the lug nuts off.

I did cry a little, I'll admit it, but mom stuck me straight to breast and I forgot all about it. Looking forward to the 6 month appointment already.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 3 (Scroll down and start with Day 1)

Mom and dad were a little groggy on Sunday, but still got up with me at 6 AM. Who wants to sleep in when there's so much to do in a day? Great-grandma had her famous sausage pinwheels waiting for everyone except for me, as usual. They must have been good because they disappeared before I could say, "goo goo, gah gah."

Since dad got to eat the good stuff, I decided I'd eat his thumb. Teething is a bitch.

For my next course, I thought I'd try my foot.

It's almost winter time back in Michigan, so I tried on my new hat.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and packing since we were leaving early the next day. And morning came quick. Grandpa GA drove us to Atlanta for our flight out and we all hoped it would go as smooth as the flight down.

It started out well, but some delays caused us to sit around for a little while, which made me cranky. I took a couple of naps and we were in Detroit before I knew it.

Home sweet home. I enjoyed my weekend of many firsts and the opportunity to see everyone. We go back around Christmas, so I hope to be walking and talking by then. So what if my expectations are ridiculously high, because that's how I roll.

Day 2

The next day was a beautiful Saturday perfect for a wedding...or college football. Dad had to get ready and left kind of early, so that gave me a chance to hang out with everyone else. My great-grandmother and aunt from Cedartown came up to see me too. I also met the other new addition to the family. Max.
Grandma and grandpa Georgia adopted Max to give them some excitement in their life. Since he fills in as a son in dad's absence, I guess he's my uncle. Usually uncles are kind of creepy or alcoholics. Not Max. He's almost as cute as I am.

But Uncle Max is a little hyper around new people and doesn't know how to act around humans the same size as he he spent some time out on the porch. Poor Max. He did run around inside a little and had several chances to give me kisses.

Grandma GA and I take a little nap before the UGA game.

Grandpa GA and I before a walk around the neighborhood.

I know, it's ridiculous how cute I am. I can't help it.

Me and my great-grandmother discuss how things used to be in her days. That's like the 1800's right?

The Michigan Meeks family at the wedding. I didn't want to steal too much thunder from the bride and groom, so I tried to dress incognito.

After the ceremony I was introduced to as many people as I could before it was time to go home to bed. Grandma and grandpa Georgia had the honor of putting me to bed for the second straight night and realized they are very happy they're not new parents again...It takes practice with me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Georgia on my mind

This past weekend included many firsts for this little guy. We were all going down to Georgia because dad's friend Chris had finally given in and was getting married. It was quite an adventure, so I've broken it down into separate parts to make it easier on you (me).

Day 1
Being four months old and flying on an airplane takes a little more planning than one would think. Flying, in general, has become more of a hassle than normal, so when you add me and my stroller and mommy's milk pump and my cooler of chest milk and medicine....then buckle up.

We got to the airport around 5 AM (thanks grandpa MI) and checked the bags at the curb. That still left us with my diaper bag, the pump, the cooler and dad's backpack. So we got to security and mom and dad proceeded to pass me back and forth as they took their shoes off, opened bags and folded the stroller down. Now I know what a hot potato feels like.

After security, we had a short walk to the gate and I needed a diaper change. The bathroom was down a ways and the plane was beginning to board, so mom and dad threw down a pad and changed me on the floor. I felt a little embarrassed by the situation, but what could I do.

We boarded the plane and were on the first row thanks to a last minute upgrade. Free snacks and drinks, how can you pass that up...? But it was the extra leg room and quick access we were looking for. Since it was so early, I decided to take a little siesta in mom's arms. Nice.

I guess the main concern for babies when they fly is their ears
popping on take off and landing, so they recommend feeding during that time. Mom was ready to bust out if needed, but I slept straight through take off and about a third of the flight.

I did wake up enough to watch the clouds go by.

Landing was a breeze and I was happy to be in Georgia. Grandpa GA met us at baggage claim and I smiled accordingly. We got packed up and were Chick-fil-a. Dad talks so much about it so we had to stop for a second breakfast. As always, I could only smell what could not be mine....and then it was back to sleep.

Sam Walton is a very rich man, and now his family is too. Years ago Mr. Walton opened a store in Arkansas that sold everything you needed for anything. He also cleverly included his name with the store's....just in case you didn't get that (some people who work there don't). It has now become a Super Wal-Mart with groceries and more useless crap than ever. Dad's not a real fan of the place because they're pure chaos....from parking, to navigating the store to dealing with the people who work there. Pure chaos.

Once we had gotten to grandma and grandpa Georgia's house, they decided to babify the place but needed a trip to the superstore for supplies. Luckily it was early afternoon and only a third of the town was there.

We didn't need much, just some bath time stuff and some kind of saucer to
keep me occupied. I picked out the one with farm animals because that's the way I roll.

We hung out that afternoon and got ready to go to the rehearsal for the wedding. I made an appearance since it was the first time I had met most of dad's friends from home. Of course I was totally adorable and they were all extremely impressed. After that, mom and dad took me home and let grandma and grandpa Georgia put me to sleep....eventually.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My first prescription

Yeah, I would have rather my first prescription be something cool, like a painkiller for my arm and leg that I broke while skydiving over a ski slope and heading down a black diamond.

But I guess I'll have to settle for amoxicillin and an ear infection. Boring. Mom and dad told me it tastes like bubble gum, but since I've never had bubble gum, does this mean I'll think that bubble gum tastes like amoxicillin...? I just hope it's gone before this Friday because I'm taking my first airplane ride to Georgia. Yee haw.

Weekend Pics

This past weekend was pretty uneventful since I've been a little under the weather, but I did find some time to be completely adorable. Oh, and of course I had to cheer for the Bulldogs as they beat up on Tennessee. Let's not talk about the Michigan game...

Al Bundy would be proud.

I nap like a champ.

The first time I'm in the big boy stroller.

With every starp as tight as it can go. At least I can grow in to it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Operation: Keep me busy

Now that I'm on my way to being four months old, the simple hold-me-in-you-arms and make funny faces at me is getting a little old. Don't get me wrong, I love a good peek-a-boo or a funny face, but I need more stimulation. The TV will get me by for a few minutes, especially ESPN or Fox Soccer Channel. So mom and dad have taken a cue from daycare and put me in my own "exersaucer".

As the name implies, you exercise in a saucer....I guess. Whatever it is, I love it.

The amount of play options was overwhelming at first, so I took it all in.

Oh, and don't think I didn't try to put everything in my mouth, either.

I'm still getting the hang of pushing buttons that make animal noises. I pushed Gaspar but he didn't make any noise....Where's his button?

Here's me with the talking dragon. I hope mom and dad know that now I will expect every dragon I see to talk.

Dad giving me my first flying lesson. Look out, Superman.

Happy B-day aunt Melissa

Today is my aunt Melissa's birthday, and since I'm a gentleman, I will not disclose how old she is. I will, however, give you a hint: Former US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy married Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis on the Greek island of Skorpios in October of the year she was born....

Have a GREAT DAY!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More event pics

Here are some more pictures from my big Sunday.

Sue Kraft thought it would be funny/cute to give me a bonnet. As if wearing a dress wasn't embarrassing enough...

Daycare edition: the Sobies and Sue & Brady Kraft

Here's the spread grandma Michigan laid out. Nice.

Me and Nana.