Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 2

The next day was a beautiful Saturday perfect for a wedding...or college football. Dad had to get ready and left kind of early, so that gave me a chance to hang out with everyone else. My great-grandmother and aunt from Cedartown came up to see me too. I also met the other new addition to the family. Max.
Grandma and grandpa Georgia adopted Max to give them some excitement in their life. Since he fills in as a son in dad's absence, I guess he's my uncle. Usually uncles are kind of creepy or alcoholics. Not Max. He's almost as cute as I am.

But Uncle Max is a little hyper around new people and doesn't know how to act around humans the same size as he he spent some time out on the porch. Poor Max. He did run around inside a little and had several chances to give me kisses.

Grandma GA and I take a little nap before the UGA game.

Grandpa GA and I before a walk around the neighborhood.

I know, it's ridiculous how cute I am. I can't help it.

Me and my great-grandmother discuss how things used to be in her days. That's like the 1800's right?

The Michigan Meeks family at the wedding. I didn't want to steal too much thunder from the bride and groom, so I tried to dress incognito.

After the ceremony I was introduced to as many people as I could before it was time to go home to bed. Grandma and grandpa Georgia had the honor of putting me to bed for the second straight night and realized they are very happy they're not new parents again...It takes practice with me.

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