Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who did I get my taste from?

When people meet me they always wonder which one of my parents I look more alike. Some say I have my mom's nose and ears but my dad's mouth and hair line... But which one do I get my palette from? So far, the baby foods I've eaten have been pretty safe; carrots, sweet potato, peaches, pear, apple sauce and even plums. All of which mom and dad both like. The true test would come in my first green vegetable.

Green beans.

Before tasting the creamed greenness, dad asked the question, "Let's see if you have mommy or daddy's tongue?" Wondering if I would like them as mom does or not like them so much as pops...

Dad wins!
True, this wasn't the best representation of the vitamin packed veggie, but I didn't care, it was yuckie.

I got through about a fourth of the pack, so I'll probably be seeing it again soon. I know it's good for me, but can a brother get some ketchup?

Monday, January 26, 2009

New tooth; 1000 hits

This past weekend was a crazy one. Our dog Gaspar had surgery last week to have a mast cell tumor removed, which went well, but had complications arise Friday that caused mom and dad to make a couple of trips to the vet ER. He's going to be fine, but it didn't leave a lot of time for family fun time. I did, however, start to cut my first tooth. It's on the bottom in the front and it hurts like a mother. I feel for mom's milk dispensers over the next few weeks. It's a good thing I'm starting to eat real foods.

You may also notice that Garrett's Corner has been visited over 1000 times since we started keeping track a few months ago. Thank you to everyone who pops in and checks me out. Feel free to leave comments as I may want to look back at this one day to figure out who everyone is....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rub a dub

As I have evolved, so have my bathing techniques. I started out in a mini tub on top of the kitchen counter using the sink sprayer. The next step was in to the real tub with mommy in there holding me up while dad did the business. My new level of bathing has me in my own little "bath chair". It's like one of those rides at the carnival that they clamp you down in and then it spins round and round until somebody pukes. Well, you get the idea.

As I get cleaned, I like to suck on the squirt toys.

What's dad doing with that big cup? Does that say Bud Light?

Busted! Good thing I'm not shy.

Bath time is so much fun and comes right before bed, it's a miracle I go to sleep right after this. Where did those bubbles comes from....?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Video Time

Here are some videos from my activities over the holiday break. Enjoy.

This is me riding my first lion (very slow). Gaspar could be next. I just need to find a saddle that will fit.

Next up is a little family peek-a-boo. They're so silly.

One night, dad snuck in on me with his night vision. They had to have proof I rolled myself over!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow at the beach

It's January in Michigan, so you know what that means? It's the great white north, and this weekend certainly proved that point. We got a total of 8 inches over Friday and Saturday. Dad had so much fun blowing snow and shoveling.

Since I had been inside all weekend and it was so cold outside, mom decided to take me to the beach. Well maybe not a warm, sandy beach, but a pool at Lifetime Fitness was close enough. During my baths I would have no problem flipping over and splashing around, so this should be no biggie, right?

How cute is this? I wasn't even trying.

Water jets galore. Mom and I had a blast and I should be swimming in no time.

Saturday night we went out to dinner as a family for the first time ever. It was a pretty big deal but we kind of decided a little late, so it was a bit rushed. In all of the hustle to get my diaper bag, toys and other items...we forgot the camera. You'll have to take my word that it went well and mom and dad were able to get back out to society. I can't wait for our next adventure.

New Year Recap

Even though it's been almost two weeks, I thought I'd recap my New Years activities. I took it pretty easy New Years Eve, by going to bed at 7:30 and then sleeping for about 11 hours. I had a big day ahead with the Georgia vs. Michigan State match-up in the Capital One Bowl. Mom and dad have several MSU fans as friends so they decided to go watch in a hostile environment.

The Kraft household.

When we arrived, Sue and Marty and the three boys all had their Spartan green on and were talking trash. Oh how they would regret that.

You can see how impressed I am with Sue's Spartan spirit.

After awhile, they decided to put me in their bouncy and let me go. I must have bounced for a half hour.

Here's dad playing with Ross and secretly telling him to root for the Bulldogs.
UGA ended up winning 24 - 12 and there was a lot of good food so it was a successful day.

During the break I was also able to play with more of my toys since mom and dad were still at home. Grandma and grandpa Michigan gave me a jungle sit and stand toy that sang and had things to bite on. I mostly sat.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

6 month check-up

I had my 6 month check-up yesterday and everything went very well. I came in weighing 17 lbs. 6oz and 26 3/4" long/tall. Both of which put me between the 50 - 75th percentile. I'm not at the top of my class but I bet I'm the cutest.

I've been on a steady diet of chest milk, rice cereal and fruit/vegetables for almost a month and starting to experiment with cheerios. And by experiment, I mean I pick them up, put them in my mouth and make a funny face. I'm sure I'll get used to them soon.

I'll have some video and new pics up soon.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Garrett meets the Garretts

The last objective on my trip to Georgia was to travel to Cedartown to see grandma GA's side of the family. I'd met my great-grandmother C-Town (aka Mamay) and dad's uncle Ben and aunt Nette on a previous trip to Michigan (and you'd know that if you have been following along...). Today I would be meeting Ben's wife Keeley and their three daughters. Also making a special appearance was Bobby and Pershing Garrett. My great-grandfather was Pershing's brother, so he was very excited to come over and meet the little guy with his family name. Bobby was ex-Secret Service so I had to be on my best behavior.

The family always gathers in the kitchen at Mamay's house because there's always great food there. I'll see about that one day.

Since I'm taking a nap, everyone discussed who would hold me next.

Mamay still had the high chair that she used when she was a baby, and all babies have used it since. I was unsure about the construction but it held up.

My 2nd cousin Brooke and her husband Chris could be next on the baby making train. I think I might have sped up the process.

Here's me with all of my 2nd cousins; Samantha, Callie and Brooke. We're all Garretts in one way of another. Go Dawgs.