Monday, April 27, 2009

Sorry for the delay

You've probably been wondering where I've been for so long, but don't worry, I'm fine. Things have just been busy. Dad was working long days because of the Men's Big Ten Tennis Tournament. Mommy was busy doing everything else to take care of me. Doesn't leave much time for blogging...

We also started a construction project at the house to make mommy and daddy's bedroom bigger and add a bathroom. I think I'll start with legos.

My buddy Easton dropped by to see how things were going.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just for looks

Here are some pictures of me just hanging out with the family. Nothing special.

Pizza night
What's that? I have something on my face?
Two of a kind
My thumbs are great for texting.
Excuse me...

Office visit

Last week mom and I were on Spring Break and we went to Panama City Beach to hit the sand and drink some Mai Tai's. Well not really. We were on break but mostly just went to the park and hung out at home. We did get to make a trip to see pops at work. He was busy getting ready for a big tennis tournament this week.

I tried to help dad with his work but mostly just scattered everything around. I know he enjoyed it though.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Well I can cross off another celebration first with Easter Sunday yesterday. I awoke to a small bag filled with large, colored eggs that I could not break. They were filled with something that made rattling noises when I shook them. I kept shaking them but nothing came out. And then dad took one, opened it up, ate some smaller colored egg shaped bits and put the egg back together. WTF? I only get to shake 'em while they get to eat 'em? No fair.

That didn't stop me from trying to crack them open. Mostly by dropping them on each other.

So it's a known fact that the reason we celebrate Easter is because it's the day Christ was resurrected after his crucifixion. Even Wikipedia agrees. The underlying reason that moms and dads get excited for Easter is because it's justification for dressing their sons or daughters up in bright, pastel colored outfits. I did not escape this situation, however, but at least it wasn't pink.

Collar had to be "popped".

Which way to the country club?

We went over to grandma and grandpa Michigan's house for an early dinner and to show me off. It was one of the first times that my shirt didn't snap together below my crotch, so that was an experience. I had to keep pulling my shirt down so my little belly wasn't hanging out everywhere.

Nana gave me a duck that sang and did the chicken dance. I was mesmerized.

I think everyone knew the words by heart by the time we left.

Lazy Plymouth

The sun was out all weekend here in Plymouth,'s just too bad temperature never got above 55. Typical spring. So it was another weekend spent indoors with the family, but that doesn't mean there was nothing to do.

Gaspar and I laid out (in)...sort of.

We were very curious of what was going on out there.

And then he was not curious any more.

Later on, mom put me in my bouncy swing and let 'er rip. I'm almost too tall to get good air in bouncy mode, so she switched it up to swing mode, by picking me up and swinging me. It's not rocket science.

I can't wait to hit the playground.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cutest Kid

So I'm about to enter my first official contest. Mom and dad want to enter me in the monthly contest at to see if I can win some $$$$$ for college. Help us decide what picture we should submit. Here are two of the better ones. Let us know in the Comments section which one would be better. Obviously #2 would have been good for October, but oh well. If there is another one on the blog you think would be good, let us know that too.



Monday, April 6, 2009

Lunch date

Mom took me out for lunch on Saturday, but she didn't tell me it was a date. We showed up and there were a lot of ladies ready to scoop me up. Nice. They were all friends that mom plays soccer with and wanted to hang out with me because I'm so cool. They might have wanted to see mom too.

There were lots of ooohs and aaaahs, and he's so cute, and look at those eyes... It was a little embarrassing, really. I think of myself as a normal infant that just hangs out and writes a blog. Nothing special.

I had the mini corn dogs and fries. Yummy. I bet mom hopes I eat off the kids menu for a long time.

Here's Leslie and I. I gave her a grin, even though she wore a Michigan St. shirt.

Me and mom's friend Tree. I'm pretty sure it's short for something else, but if I was named after a part of nature, it would be Rock. It's much tougher.

Stacey had a good time with me too, but who doesn't.

My buddies Niklas and Easton with their mom Nikki. It was just Easton's birthday and mom gave him Hungry, Hungry Hippos, so I got to play with that as well as my food.

It was a good day.

Spring cleaning

Have you ever let a 9.5 month old rearrange your Tupperware bin? No? Why not? Mom and dad let me clean out the container cabinet and organize it like I wanted. It's about time they started letting me help out around the house.

First, you have to start with a clean slate.

The next step is putting the containers together with the same kind.

The third step is making sure everything fits nice and neat. I had a little trouble with this one.

The last step is to lose complete interest in the task and let someone else do it.

No one complains when you give them the puppy eyes...

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm a mess

Spaghetti. Pasta noodles and tomato sauce. Easy, right? Depends on who you ask. I recently added this carbo loading meal to my resume but things didn't go down as nice and neat as chicken nuggets, let's say. Most of you can probably guess how it went. Let's see if you're right.

Hard to pick up and place in mouth? CHECK.

Sauce shrapnel on face and everywhere else? CHECK.

Did I love every minute of it? CHECK.

We'll skip the details of the clean up, because neither of us have that much time. I have noticed that handy wipes are showing up on the grocery list more and more, though.

A good way to get fully clean after a big spaghetti dinner for you may be a couple of swipes with your napkin. For me, it's a bath. I can still be a mess after a bath, though. Mom decided to style my hair differently after I got out. Nice, huh?

I'm not posing, I promise...(where's my contract?)