Monday, April 6, 2009

Lunch date

Mom took me out for lunch on Saturday, but she didn't tell me it was a date. We showed up and there were a lot of ladies ready to scoop me up. Nice. They were all friends that mom plays soccer with and wanted to hang out with me because I'm so cool. They might have wanted to see mom too.

There were lots of ooohs and aaaahs, and he's so cute, and look at those eyes... It was a little embarrassing, really. I think of myself as a normal infant that just hangs out and writes a blog. Nothing special.

I had the mini corn dogs and fries. Yummy. I bet mom hopes I eat off the kids menu for a long time.

Here's Leslie and I. I gave her a grin, even though she wore a Michigan St. shirt.

Me and mom's friend Tree. I'm pretty sure it's short for something else, but if I was named after a part of nature, it would be Rock. It's much tougher.

Stacey had a good time with me too, but who doesn't.

My buddies Niklas and Easton with their mom Nikki. It was just Easton's birthday and mom gave him Hungry, Hungry Hippos, so I got to play with that as well as my food.

It was a good day.

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