Saturday, May 30, 2009

I fought the law and guess who won

A few weeks ago, me and the other kids at daycare were outside having some fun. Apparently, we were having too much fun because the fuzz rolled up on us. We were like, "What we'd do, why do you have to be up in our business?" And the I realized my mom was there and the cop was a good friend of hers. Blah blah blah, I didn't get arrested.
But I did sneak in to is squad car to try and make a getaway.

All I really wanted to do was push buttons on the computer and got caught. Oh well.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Video fun

Why can't a brother find something to watch on TV?

Not again...?

I'm not even a year old and I've already had four ear infections, and guess what happened this past weekend? Yep, I got a cold that turned in to another ear infection. The last time I was at the doctor's office (Friday), they said if I got another one within the next two months then I would have to get tubes in my ear. Tubes? In my ears? I don't even want to know how that works, but I guess I'm going to have to find out.

My oxygen levels were also low when I saw the doctor, so they put me on breathing treatments. It's pretty much like what everyone does at old people homes, except they have to carry it around with them. I just sit there and watch Barney.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here's a riddle for you

Get it? I weigh 20 lbs now. Yippee! I can finally turn around in the car seat and stop looking at mom and dad through that stupid mirror. Technically I'm supposed to wait until I'm 1 year old (which is in exactly one month...), but at least I meet the weight requirements. Sweet.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let's go outside

Now that the weather has warmed up for good, it's a great time to get outside and explore the world....or the front yard. There was plenty going on this week and I spent a lot of time looking out the front door.

And the huge back-hoe digging a hole in our yard.

The gas company was in the process of replacing most of their equipment and lines, some of which just happened to be 15 ft. from our front door. There was a lot going on and I screamed and hollered the whole time. Mom and dad said I was definitely wired to be a little boy, which is good because I don't want to be sent back for being defective.
Speaking of little boys, my next door neighbor, Shay, has been outside a lot too. We've been hanging out and sharing toys. Here, he's showing me how his airplane goes together and works.

I was a little cocky and said I could put the propeller on with my eyes closed.

Um, sorry about your plane dude. Where's that drill?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome back

Wow, it seems like it's been forever since we had some worthwhile material on here. I've got a lot to catch up on, so I'm just going to do one long, but quick post. Let's start off with a game to see how well you're paying attention. You know the one where they put two similar pictures next to each other and you have to find the differences? Well it's just like that...and I'll make it easy.
Here are two pictures. Find the ONE difference.

If you said there's more of Gaspar in the first one, YOU'RE RIGHT!
This past weekend we were out and about and made a stop by Chili's for lunch. I was totally against going there because of certain menu items that are part of their national ad campaign. Baby back ribs. They eat baby parts? My back ribs? And then I found out they're actually from pigs, which is cool, so I ordered up a grilled cheese sandwich and broccoli.
Of course I had to flirt with all of the waitresses.

Mom had her first Mother's Day with me a couple of weeks ago and dad did his best to make it a great day. He woke up with me and let mommy sleep in a little, and then he made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. Awesome. Then WE gave mom her present; a digital picture frame with only pics of mom and I and that plays her favorite song...Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Awesome. It was pretty much a standard day after that except for a trip over to see grandma and grandpa Michigan.

I like wearing hats now.

They are very helpful on all of the walks/rides we've been taking.

Yes, I do look older than I am. Thanks for noticing.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Miss me?

I'm sorry there have not been many posts lately, but pops has had jury duty for the past two weeks and not a lot of time to waste on the computer with me. What a bum. I'll get on him about this weekend, though. Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sit, good boy.

I'm pretty much pulling up and standing on everything. The only problem is, how do I get back down? I can't really reach the ground once I do stand, so it's a "leap" of faith.

Saturday, in the park, it was not the 4th of July

This past weekend, downtown Plymouth held a GreenFest to celebrate the color green. Oh, and to encourage everyone to save the planet by taking better care of it. Mom, dad and I decided to take a little jaunt since the weather was so nice. There were lots of tents and booths and food and people walking around looking at me...and I guess everyone else too.

Pit stop for lunch.

It got a little chilly, so it was a good thing I had my hoodie.
Since it got a little cool and windy, we decided to go by grandma and grandpa Michigan's art gallery. Michigan G momma was very excited to see us (me) and I was very excited to check out one of their sculptures. It also seemed excited....or cold.

Daddy took a cute pic of mom and I when we got home and did a cool trick with the camera.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Momma lost her voice

So I got sick again...big surprise....and because I like to share, I passed it on to mom and dad. Mom got it a little worse than daddy and actually lost her voice. That's not a good thing for a teacher. So she took the day off and hung out with me at day care for awhile. Against daddy's better judgement, she gave me my first driving lesson.

My hand position is more like 3 and 9

No hands or just one?

Does this thing have air bags?

Later on I decided to play dance off, pants off. I also tried to get Dylan's donut, but he wasn't budging and I can't climb that well yet. Sucks.