Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to the park

A few weeks ago, mom, dad and I went to the park where I had my birthday party but the weather wasn't that great so we didn't get to play very long. This past weekend the weather was much better, so we were back at it. I was probably the youngest one there, but that didn't stop me from playing just as hard. Well, maybe not as hard as the big kids.

Here are all the people that forked out dough to make this place possible. Thank you.
Mom and I started out with a hard one.

Pull-ups were this playtime or workout time? I did three.

I finally got to relax and do some swinging.

Alternate hand position.

After a little while I discovered that I liked to play with wood chips just as much.
More swinging. I told mom to let go when we reached the apex but no luck.

There was a steering wheel there but the drive was very boring.

I thought I would see if the wooden animals wanted to eat wood chips. Yep, too weird.

I did some sliding but had to tuck my shirt in so I didn't get belly burn.

After the park, we went over to grandma and grandpa Michigan's house so that I could run around more and see what I could find that wasn't childproof. I found a lot.
This bear didn't run away from me like Gaspar. Good bear.
Grandma and grandpa got a little nervous when I started playing with one of their vases. I don't know why.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Will the real Garrett Meeks please stand up

I guess it was only logical now that I walk.

Birthday bashes

A couple of weeks ago some of my friends celebrated their liberation from the uterus by having big parties that I was invited to. They were tons of fun with lots of things I could (and sometimes couldn't) play with.

The first one was for my buddy Niklas, who turned 8....or 9, I can't remember. It's a good thing I didn't write the card. It was the 4th of July weekend so fireworks were going off like crazy. It was a good thing I had already pooed that day.

I really like the ladder golf game. I set the high score.

Now if I could only climb the ladder.

The party was at their lake house so there was a lake to splash around in.

Since I had just gotten my tubes, I would have to settle for walking.

Cupcake time! I think I'm getting better at this.

I guess Niklas' dad didn't get his cupcake because he tried to eat me.

I also got to play with my pal Easton. He had some great toys.

The next party was for my neighbor Shay. He turned 3. I'm sure of that one. His party was at Chuck E Cheese's. I didn't know what to expect, but mommy was very excited to take me there.

Can someone call pest control?

I was a little impatient for my pizza, so mom had to tide me over with some crackers.

After lunch it was play time. I love me some Barney.

Next was a ride with Bob

Sometimes the wheels on the bus do not go 'round and 'round. Boooo.

This was my first slide ride. Belly down and backwards.

Shay's grandfather and I played a game later on, but he didn't let me shoot very much.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Look mom, no hands

Yep, it's official. I am officially a terror on the warpath. I know it seems like I'm chasing something that's not there, but that's just how I do it. It's a good thing that diapers are cushy...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy birthday America!

To help celebrate the birth of this great nation, mom, dad and I got up early and went downtown to watch the parade. There were lots of people to look at and many different noises coming out of them.

Pipers piping. I counted more than 11...?

Fire trucks are LOUD!

A parade wouldn't be a parade without at least one marching band.

A smaller, more Colonial style marching band.

We also ran in to Steve "The Cop" and Tara who came out for the festivities.
I hope you get as many presents as I did, America.

Petting zoo

It's a holiday weekend, so Friday was basically a free day for the family to hang out together. Mom thought it would be good to get out of the house and got to the petting zoo. I love to try and pet Gaspar (when he doesn't run away), so it should be fun, right? I haven't been around too many different animals so it would be an educating experience as well.

It was a little sunny out so I thought shades were in order.

Let's do this!

They should have named it Poop Everywhere Bend

My first barn. Who's in for some line dancin' later?

Some of the animals were a little intimidating, but not the bunnies.

They make horses just the right size for me. Where's the saddle?
I like chickens better when they're breaded and fried.

Scenic landscape

This goat really wanted to say hi.

Ah, so many donkey jokes, so little time.

Me and this little guy had something in common. We're both the runts in the family.

Ring side view of the horses.

I hope he's just napping.

Dad put me on the John Deere to take me (him) back to my (his) Georgia roots.

It was such an eventful trip that I passed out like a champ on the way home. Maybe next time I'll actually do some petting.

What up cuz?

Last week I was visited by mom's cousin Renee and her daughter Sarah. They were in town to see Nana and stopped by to hang out a little. Sarah is a few years older but still wanted to play with me. My attention span is about 20 seconds so she had to be a little patient. We got out one of the footballs from my party and she wanted to toss it around a little.

Let's see what you got kid.
As you can see, my follow through could use a little work.