Saturday, July 4, 2009

Petting zoo

It's a holiday weekend, so Friday was basically a free day for the family to hang out together. Mom thought it would be good to get out of the house and got to the petting zoo. I love to try and pet Gaspar (when he doesn't run away), so it should be fun, right? I haven't been around too many different animals so it would be an educating experience as well.

It was a little sunny out so I thought shades were in order.

Let's do this!

They should have named it Poop Everywhere Bend

My first barn. Who's in for some line dancin' later?

Some of the animals were a little intimidating, but not the bunnies.

They make horses just the right size for me. Where's the saddle?
I like chickens better when they're breaded and fried.

Scenic landscape

This goat really wanted to say hi.

Ah, so many donkey jokes, so little time.

Me and this little guy had something in common. We're both the runts in the family.

Ring side view of the horses.

I hope he's just napping.

Dad put me on the John Deere to take me (him) back to my (his) Georgia roots.

It was such an eventful trip that I passed out like a champ on the way home. Maybe next time I'll actually do some petting.

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