Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Uh oh

Some of you may have heard I took a little trip in an ambulance this past weekend. Well you heard correct. It all started last week when I came down with a basic cold...runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Since I had the tubes in my ears, mom and dad weren't too worried about that. On Sunday, however, I started having some problems breathing and was kind of wheezing. Mom thought it was best to call the doctor to see what we should do, and they said come on in.
We drove over to Ann Arbor to the after hours urgent care office and they gave me a look over. They didn't like how hard it was for me to exhale, so they wanted to do a breathing treatment to help open my air ways. I had to do those back in the spring, so it was like jumping back on a bike.

I felt much better after a couple of them, so I ran around the room with a truck mom found.

No, I'm not trying to show off my buff bod, they wanted to see my belly when I breathed.

After three treatments I was doing good, but the doctor wanted me observed for a few hours and they couldn't do it there, so it was off to UM's hospital. They didn't want mom and dad crashing the car on the way there in case they were worried, so I had to go in an ambulance. I like to watch them go by when I'm not in them, but I was not so sure about being in one.

No sirens, unfortunately.

At least I would be in good hands at Michigan's finest.

When we got to the hospital, I was seen by all kinds of nurses, doctors, med students and x-ray techs. Crazy. I got four or five more treatments and was checked on very often. I got a chest x-ray too, which came up negative...but I guess that's a good thing when it comes to x-rays. We were there for about fours hours and got home about 2 AM. I can't believe I stayed up that late, but it's not like I wanted to.
The next day, mom and I went to see the pediatrician and it looks like I have asthma that is induced when I get a viral infection. It's too early to tell what it will be like in the next couple of years, but what ever it is I will kick its butt.

Which key opens this door?

I learned this strictly from keen observation

It's kind of dark since it was close to bed time

Color me bad

Mom has been very creative this summer coming up with things for me to do. Attempting to color has been one of the latest endeavors....knowing there's a risk of a crayon going in to my mouth. It's not my fault they look so delicious.
My canvas has been some large pieces of paper taped together and put down on the kitchen floor. And sometimes the kitchen floor. It's a good thing these things are washable.

Look at that dexterity.

Blue seemed to be my favorite color.

Sometimes I used all the colors.

Mom helped and colored with me. Can you tell what I colored and what mom did?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Splash pad

So if you remember, the park we had my birthday party at had a shelter for us to eat under, a playground that I explored in more detail later and also a splash pad. It's like a water park without the rides. That kind of sounds boring, but it gets the job done. Enjoy the pictures...

The art gallery and the mall

On the weekends we like to get out and do stuff to tire me out so that I take a nap. At least that's what they tell me. Last weekend we hit the road to go see Grandma Michigan and their art gallery and then hit the mall to walk around in 60 degree air conditioning since it was 90 degrees outside. Good plan, guys.

Here I am streaking through the gallery. Keep up.
Grandma's computer was fun to play with.

Especially since it was turned off. If it was on, you would probably see something like: fhgi2ugf9432gf924fhiewfhgw4egf73

We also made it to the mall where they have stores with toys.

There was so much to play with, I didn't know what to grab next.

I did find a nice wheelie toy that made tons of noise that I could pull around forever. I don't know why mom and dad did buy it.

Later on at the food court I found the car dealership.

They only wanted $.75 for these rides too. What a steal.

What I do around the house

Most people don't know what I do on an every day basis. Sometimes I don't even know. Luckily they make cameras to record random events. We have such a device (OBVIOUSLY) and here is what I do...sometimes.
I can't read, but I can write my name pretty good, eh?
Gotta go.

Bath time can be a time to show off.

This is my rock star look. Get used to it.
It's been well documented that my athletic future will involve the sport of soccer. So I decided to start perfecting it now. Baby steps (kicks).

Let's go to the zoo

With the summer off, mom has had to be inventive with the things she has kept me busy and entertained with. Last week it hit her to take me to the Detroit Zoo. Yes, Detroit has a zoo and it has more than wolverines and Mustangs...It actually had all the animals in the books I try to read. Unfortunately, not all were awake and ready to play for me, so I had to take what I could get.
The water tank/street sign for the zoo.
I don't know what I was supposed to be looking at, but mom was excited.

It looks like a tree fell in the woods, did anyone hear it?

I liked the giraffe with his go-go-gadget neck

These animals have the life. They sleep almost as much as I do.

My turn. Thanks mom.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Other stuff

As you can tell, I have been having tons of fun the last couple of weeks. Here is a quick recap of some other activities that I've gotten myself in to.

My neighbor, Shay, got a motorized mini-Jeep for his birthday. I had to test it out a little.
There was a daycare bbq over at one of the parent's houses. They had a swing. I likey.

Mom, dad and I went to the mall and eventually got a pretzel and lemonade. Who needs a sippy cup?

Saturday was Kidapalooza in downtown Plymouth. I couldn't do the sack race, but I could cheer.

I also practiced my jump roping skills. I need a little work.

There was a mini-ambulance there, just in case for the little kids. All it did for me was shut his eyes on my hand.

The other big news for the weekend is that I officially face forward in my new car seat. I don't look all that excited because I'm a little sick and don't feel too good.

Visit daddy at work day

This past week, mom and I went to go see dad in Ann Arbor. We went to Dibella's for some submarine sandwiches ( I only got bread, meat and cheese...separately). Afterwords, we went to the Varsity Tennis Center so that I could walk around forever.

This water fountain may be ADA compliant, but it's not Garrett compliant.

Seriously, can I get some water?