Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Uh oh

Some of you may have heard I took a little trip in an ambulance this past weekend. Well you heard correct. It all started last week when I came down with a basic cold...runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Since I had the tubes in my ears, mom and dad weren't too worried about that. On Sunday, however, I started having some problems breathing and was kind of wheezing. Mom thought it was best to call the doctor to see what we should do, and they said come on in.
We drove over to Ann Arbor to the after hours urgent care office and they gave me a look over. They didn't like how hard it was for me to exhale, so they wanted to do a breathing treatment to help open my air ways. I had to do those back in the spring, so it was like jumping back on a bike.

I felt much better after a couple of them, so I ran around the room with a truck mom found.

No, I'm not trying to show off my buff bod, they wanted to see my belly when I breathed.

After three treatments I was doing good, but the doctor wanted me observed for a few hours and they couldn't do it there, so it was off to UM's hospital. They didn't want mom and dad crashing the car on the way there in case they were worried, so I had to go in an ambulance. I like to watch them go by when I'm not in them, but I was not so sure about being in one.

No sirens, unfortunately.

At least I would be in good hands at Michigan's finest.

When we got to the hospital, I was seen by all kinds of nurses, doctors, med students and x-ray techs. Crazy. I got four or five more treatments and was checked on very often. I got a chest x-ray too, which came up negative...but I guess that's a good thing when it comes to x-rays. We were there for about fours hours and got home about 2 AM. I can't believe I stayed up that late, but it's not like I wanted to.
The next day, mom and I went to see the pediatrician and it looks like I have asthma that is induced when I get a viral infection. It's too early to tell what it will be like in the next couple of years, but what ever it is I will kick its butt.

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