Saturday, August 1, 2009

Other stuff

As you can tell, I have been having tons of fun the last couple of weeks. Here is a quick recap of some other activities that I've gotten myself in to.

My neighbor, Shay, got a motorized mini-Jeep for his birthday. I had to test it out a little.
There was a daycare bbq over at one of the parent's houses. They had a swing. I likey.

Mom, dad and I went to the mall and eventually got a pretzel and lemonade. Who needs a sippy cup?

Saturday was Kidapalooza in downtown Plymouth. I couldn't do the sack race, but I could cheer.

I also practiced my jump roping skills. I need a little work.

There was a mini-ambulance there, just in case for the little kids. All it did for me was shut his eyes on my hand.

The other big news for the weekend is that I officially face forward in my new car seat. I don't look all that excited because I'm a little sick and don't feel too good.

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