Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day Eve

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's my first real holiday and they tell me it's a time for giving thanks....hence the name. I guess what I have to be most thankful for at this point in my life is that mom and dad spent some real quality time together, as they say. Hee hee hee.

I'm looking forward to hanging out at home with the family and maybe even 'webcamming' with some folks down in Georgia. I also get to go over to grandma and grandpa Michigan's house to watch everyone stuff their faces. I can't wait. Here's some pics of me being adorable to tide you over.

Milk and cereal

Apparently I can't eat chest milk for the rest of my life, which is disappointing. So mom and dad are starting to introduce me to rice cereal...the next level in infant nutrition. When I heard rice cereal I figured it had to be Rice Krispie Treats cereal and 2% milk, right?


It's Gerber baby rice cereal that you mix with chest milk (to consistency of your choosing). As you can see below, I'm not impressed. If you need Xmas ideas, I would invest in bibs...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Type - O

If you think that I do this whole blog by myself, you're crazy. Obviously I can't take the pictures, but I also have a hard time typing it out, so I need a little help. Just recently I attempted to punch the keys again.

I had fun beating on the keys and seeing how fast I could type. I'm not sure what my WPM score was, but I bet it was in the teens...

Thank goodness for spellcheck.

Pics from Daycare

One aspect of my life that I have failed to cover on Garrett's Corner is my experiences at daycare. That's because they hypnotize me when I leave so every day is like groundhog day. Just kidding. I guess it's because so much happens that I can't hold all of that excitement in my little head. So Cathie and her daughter Tara were kind enough to donate some pictures for the blog to illustrate my daytime activities.

Here's the crew. I'm the only one not on the couch... :(

Lunch time, and I'm sleeping. The others have a competition for who has the messiest high chair.

Me and my favorite digit.

Mom stops by every now and then for a little quality time.

My swing away from swing.

Everyone got dressed up on Halloween and went to a parade. I'm the one in the back between little Hulk and little evil Spider-Man.

Awake for once during lunch...and an open shot for baby Molly to nail with her veggies.

Everyone gathered around the table for some Texas Hold 'em. I'm dealing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Garrett Live

OK, so maybe the videos below aren't in real time, but you can imagine that they are. This is just a little footage of what I do on a daily basis. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Best Blog Ever

You may notice that there is a new feature on Garrett's Corner. Just above that super cute picture of me on the main page there is a Stat Counter. It keeps track of how many people visit the site each day and some other cool statistical stuff. So make sure you visit often so I can rack up the most visits and claim the nonexistent title, "Best Blog Ever." Thank you for your support.


Like all good parents, mom and dad take a bagillion (it's a word) pictures of me. I guess they want to cherish all the times they spend with me....or something. Anyway, here's a collection of pics that dad tested out the "macro" setting on the camera.

I should probably have my own coffee table book.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Yes, it's only November and it's already snowing in Michigan. While most people would be excited to see this fluffy white, frozen precipitation, mom and dad were less than thrilled. They still got bundled up and took me out to experience the wintry mix.

At this point, all I could do is watch it hit me in the face and turn to cold water. I'm sure it gets better. Mom said she couldn't wait until I was old enough to run around in it and throw snowballs. Dad said he couldn't wait until I was old enough to clean off their cars and shovel the drive way. Whatever.

Chillin' at the pad

With the weather taking a turn for the worse this weekend, we decided to spend our time indoors. Mom and dad like to try and sleep in on Saturdays, but what fun is that? I get them up at least by 6:30 AM to get the day started off. It's a good time to catch up on TiVo and get some reps in with the saucer.

Extreme close up....

Saturdays are also meant for ESPN College Gameday and the English Premier league game of the week. I'm well balanced. I usually have to catch a nap during all of this excitement, however. Sometimes, mom and dad even leave Gaspar in charge of the nursery monitor.

Good boy.

In the afternoon it's all about college football, though. UM lost it's eighth game of the season...a career high for the program. Ouch. UGA barely beat Auburn 17 - 13 and had to stop them on 4th and 1 in the red zone to seal it. Ouch.

With all of that excitement, dad and I had to both take a nap.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My first haircut...and beer

Some of you have probably been saying to yourself, "when are they going to trim up that little guy's hair." Well the wait is over. Mom and dad decided to snip a little here, a little there and clean me up a bit. I know this is not the hair I'll end up with, but I still have to take care of it.



It's not a huge change but it does give me less of a cowlick look. We'll see how the ladies like it and report back.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, mom and dad gave me a bottle of beer. OK, not really. That would be bad parenting. There's no sippie cup lid...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weekend Activities

Saucer time.

I don't know why I want to put everything in my mouth.

Seriously. It can't taste that great.

Mom let me hang out in my own little lazy-boy to watch some football.


Dad getting me saddled up to take Gaspar for a lap around the house.

Halloween Pt. 2 (not the movie)

I was a bat. It's that simple. Of course I could have been something more adorable like Yoda, but that would have been too cute, too early. I didn't want to dress up as something I couldn't top next year when I'll actually be able to almost get around by myself (Yoda). So a bat would do just fine this year.

At first I was a little embarrassed to go out in public with this get up on, but I got over it. Mom and dad took me to see some of the neighbors that were around. The girl across the street was a ladybug. Boring. A bat is way cooler than a lady bug. I didn't say anything though, she's my only prospect in the area right now....

I scored my first piece of candy, but unfortunately I could only taste the wrapper. Dad ate it for me and told me how good it was. Thanks for nothing. As you can see in the picture below, mom and dad dressed up as the #1 Mom and #1 Dad, respectively.

Grandma and grandpa Michigan came over to ooh and ahh for a little. They also saw Gaspar who went as the #1 Jealous Brother. Boo hoo. I'm sure he didn't mind not getting an outfit forced on to him. Who knows, may he can be Chewbacca next year...