Friday, November 21, 2008

Pics from Daycare

One aspect of my life that I have failed to cover on Garrett's Corner is my experiences at daycare. That's because they hypnotize me when I leave so every day is like groundhog day. Just kidding. I guess it's because so much happens that I can't hold all of that excitement in my little head. So Cathie and her daughter Tara were kind enough to donate some pictures for the blog to illustrate my daytime activities.

Here's the crew. I'm the only one not on the couch... :(

Lunch time, and I'm sleeping. The others have a competition for who has the messiest high chair.

Me and my favorite digit.

Mom stops by every now and then for a little quality time.

My swing away from swing.

Everyone got dressed up on Halloween and went to a parade. I'm the one in the back between little Hulk and little evil Spider-Man.

Awake for once during lunch...and an open shot for baby Molly to nail with her veggies.

Everyone gathered around the table for some Texas Hold 'em. I'm dealing.

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