Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day Eve

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's my first real holiday and they tell me it's a time for giving thanks....hence the name. I guess what I have to be most thankful for at this point in my life is that mom and dad spent some real quality time together, as they say. Hee hee hee.

I'm looking forward to hanging out at home with the family and maybe even 'webcamming' with some folks down in Georgia. I also get to go over to grandma and grandpa Michigan's house to watch everyone stuff their faces. I can't wait. Here's some pics of me being adorable to tide you over.

1 comment:

Meghin Gani said...

Garrett is the cuties thing we have ever seen. Meeksey we didn't think you had it in you!
Christian & Meghin