Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to the grind; Turkey recap

After a very relaxing break, it's back to daycare and the daily routine. We had a good weekend after Grandma and grandpa Michigan had us over for Thanksgiving on Thursday. I mostly played in my saucer and was stared at for hours. The usual.

Me and the ladies

During dinner, they decided to make me the center-piece. I got a birds-eye view of the spread and I'm guessing it was pretty good because there wasn't much talking.

Grandma and the boys. Which one of us is the attention whore....? Toss up.

Me and gramps

He snuck me a beer when no one was looking...except for the camera, obviously. I was going to shotgun it, but decided just to sip a little.

Afterwards I did what most people do after Thanksgiving dinner. I passed out. Hopefully next year I'll actually be able to participate in the festivities instead of just being a decoration.

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