Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day

If you live in the upper Midwest, then you probably know there is a major snow storm sweeping across the area right now. If you don't live in the upper Midwest, turn on the Weather Channel and share in our pain. Because of this, school was cancelled and mom and I have a snow day. Dad got up early to blow the driveway and said, forget this...I'm staying home too. There was like four inches already on the ground with maybe 6 more on the way. So dad cleared it all so it wouldn't be that bad later. Good thinking.

Mom and dad had to wake me up and tell me the good news and this is how they found me.

Yep, I rolled over to my stomach and fell asleep. Who knows how long I was like that, but I put up with long enough to get some quality zzzz's.

I pretty much roll around like it's no big deal now. I know you're jealous.

I even got some time in with the soccer ball. I hands.

Well we're off to Georgia tomorrow so this may be my last post before the big day. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season. See you soon.

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