Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Garrett went down to Georgia

After we recovered from our trip, which was easier for some than others..., there was much play time. Grandma and grandpa Georgia were very excited to see me again (and hopefully mom and dad too). They had a blanket for me to play on, and check this out, it belonged to my dad. Can you believe it? It's amazing it survived for such a long time...

Here's me about to slam that huge, orange donut in to my mouth.

As you can tell, dad's old blanket may not be the original color it once was. Whatever, I played just fine.
Even mom got it on the blanket action.
The big story with this trip to Dalton was that most of my dad's family would finally get the chance to meet me in person. The blog can only do so much, ya know?
On Christmas Eve, grandpappy GA's family came up for lunch so I was able to see his mom (great-grandma Macon) and I think she was eager for this day. She walked in the door and immediately asked, "Where's Garrett?" Unfortunately I was eating at the time so they had to wait for my grand entrance.
Great-grandma Macon didn't have to wait long though.
Dad's aunt and uncle, Brenda and Sherman, and cousin Matt and his wife Nikki were also there. I was passed around like the ham we had for lunch, but you gotta suck it up sometimes. My 2nd cousin Matt was a pro since he has two daughters already. A third may be in the works after my cuteness rubbed off....

Grandma GA's mom, great-grandma C-Town, heard there was a party so she came up to put in some face time. There I am on the loveseat with over 160 years of ancient history.

My Michigan grandparents also got in on the action as they were driving down to Florida and decided to take a tour of the Carpet Capital of the World. They had a late lunch and chatted with the family. I think they needed an interpretor to decipher all the Southern speak...

I have a lot more to tell but I think I'll space it out over this week to give y'all (Southern speak) something to look forward to.

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