Monday, February 23, 2009

Trip to A2

You may remember from this summer that mom's friend Jamie came over to visit with her daughter Ava, who is four months older than me (that's right). We didn't hangout much because she was napping and then I was eating and then I was get the picture. So it was Ava's 1st birthday this weekend and we went over to Ann Arbor to help celebrate. I took my nap before we left so there would be no excuses.

We met them at Zingerman's Deli, which specializes in crazy sandwiches with crazy cheeses and crazy meats on crazy breads. That's the best way I can describe it. So I got to at least sample some of the bread.

I'm eying dad's BBQ chicken and mac-n-cheese. MMMM.

Mom gave me little bites of her bread. I think it was sourdough, but it tasted pretty un-sour to me.

The birthday girl and I reminisced over our little visit this summer and how I liked what she did with her hair. I'm such a charmer.

Can't wait for this summer!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Shoot

Aunt Melissa is in town this week to help take care of Grandpa Michigan. She came over to hang out the other day and decided to take some pics of me right after my bath. Very provocative...

No, I'm not in the KKK. It's my monogrammed Obi-Wan Kenobi towel.

I know you probably said, "Awwww," like a hundred times, right? It's hard not to. Feel free to pass these on to your local baby modeling agency.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy V Day

Saturday was Valentine's Day, or National Buy Cards and Flowers at the Last Second Day. I had to do neither because I am a Valentine gift in myself. Even though that may only fly for a few more years. Both sets of grandparents gave my cards letting me know how sweet I was.

I bet I'm sweeter than these cards...

Even a girl from daycare gave me a book. I guess it's my first real Valentine. Thanks, babe.

It has a squeaky basketball.

It was a rough week

Last week was one to forget for the Meeks household. It started out last Sunday with me coming down with a bout of the stomach flu from daycare. I'll spare you the details, but I didn't keep food in my stomach for very long. Mom kept me home on Monday and it seemed to do the trick.

Unfortunately, she woke up with the flu on Tuesday morning and spent a lot of time in the little girls room. Needless to say she had to stay home again and wanted to keep me home for one more day to make sure I was over it and eating OK. So daddy got to stay home and take care of both of us.
Here's me and my first Pedialite pop....or frozen hydration stick.

I got most of it in my mouth.

Mom and I were pretty much back to normal by Tuesday night...just in time for daddy to wake up with it Wednesday morning. Although I think he got it much worse. Again, I'll spare the details and just say that he needed a breath mint among other things. He was out of commission until Friday, more or less.

Oh, and while that was all going on, Grandpa Michigan broke his leg after slipping on some ice. Ouch. I went to go visit him while he was laid up. He had this big blue sleeve-thingy wrapped around most of his leg that kept his knee cold. They were like air conditioned pants. Nice.

He's not sure how serious it is yet, but I hope he'll be back to health soon because he'll have to chase me soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Joyti and Rohan

On Saturday, mom and I went to go see one of her good friends, Joyti, and her son Rohan. It was the first time we met so I was on my best behavior. Rohan is 3 1/2 so he was out of my league. He was running around and talking and doing all the big kid stuff. I was like, "Well, I have my own blog." And he was like, "Well, I get to eat real food like mac & cheese." And I was like, "Well, I still get to wear one piece outfits, so HA!" I think I burned him on that one because he ran around with no pants on after that. Show off.

Here's Joyti and I. She's got another bun in the oven too.

She gave me a present, which was very nice of her. I waited until I got home to rip in to it.

A shirt came first.

I held it up to see how it fit me.

Next came a Snoopy outfit with shorts. Sweet.

Just call me Elmo

Well it's official. I'm ticklish. Big surprise, right? Up until now, I would pretty much laugh and smile at anything mom and dad did to know, just to make them feel good. But now it seems that I laugh uncontrollably when prodded up under my arms. It's hilarious for everyone.

Dad's version:

Mom's version:

I'm done for.

Friday, February 6, 2009

More daycare pics

My favorite ladies at daycare have been taking some pictures of me to share with everyone, because we're all about sharing at daycare....most of the time.

Put me in a saucer and just let me go.

I've been working a lot on my crawling technique because I tend to roll a lot.

Step 1. Find target and assume the position.

Step 2. Push with legs and hope arms work too.

Step 3. Lunge if needed and acquire target.

Step 4 is to put target in mouth, but you probably already knew that.

This may look like the worst ice cream cone ever, but it's like a fruit trap. Cathie put mushed up bananas in the little mesh sack and I mush it out with gums and my mini tooth. Yummy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Right on Target

Every other weekend (or so) we take a trip to Target for random Garrett supplies. It's a good chance to get out and see the world...the world of retail shopping. Mom got this shopping cart seat, thing-a-mabob for me to sit in during my voyage. It basically prevents me from touching the germ infested handles...

We were there for some basics; bibs, kleenex, stuff for mom, etc. But we had to take a pass by the toy aisle.

I probably had 75% of the stuff already thanks mom & dad, both sets of grandparents and Santa.

It's almost nap time.

By the end of our shopping journey I was laid back just chillin' and looking for babes...but no luck.