Monday, February 23, 2009

Trip to A2

You may remember from this summer that mom's friend Jamie came over to visit with her daughter Ava, who is four months older than me (that's right). We didn't hangout much because she was napping and then I was eating and then I was get the picture. So it was Ava's 1st birthday this weekend and we went over to Ann Arbor to help celebrate. I took my nap before we left so there would be no excuses.

We met them at Zingerman's Deli, which specializes in crazy sandwiches with crazy cheeses and crazy meats on crazy breads. That's the best way I can describe it. So I got to at least sample some of the bread.

I'm eying dad's BBQ chicken and mac-n-cheese. MMMM.

Mom gave me little bites of her bread. I think it was sourdough, but it tasted pretty un-sour to me.

The birthday girl and I reminisced over our little visit this summer and how I liked what she did with her hair. I'm such a charmer.

Can't wait for this summer!

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