Monday, February 16, 2009

It was a rough week

Last week was one to forget for the Meeks household. It started out last Sunday with me coming down with a bout of the stomach flu from daycare. I'll spare you the details, but I didn't keep food in my stomach for very long. Mom kept me home on Monday and it seemed to do the trick.

Unfortunately, she woke up with the flu on Tuesday morning and spent a lot of time in the little girls room. Needless to say she had to stay home again and wanted to keep me home for one more day to make sure I was over it and eating OK. So daddy got to stay home and take care of both of us.
Here's me and my first Pedialite pop....or frozen hydration stick.

I got most of it in my mouth.

Mom and I were pretty much back to normal by Tuesday night...just in time for daddy to wake up with it Wednesday morning. Although I think he got it much worse. Again, I'll spare the details and just say that he needed a breath mint among other things. He was out of commission until Friday, more or less.

Oh, and while that was all going on, Grandpa Michigan broke his leg after slipping on some ice. Ouch. I went to go visit him while he was laid up. He had this big blue sleeve-thingy wrapped around most of his leg that kept his knee cold. They were like air conditioned pants. Nice.

He's not sure how serious it is yet, but I hope he'll be back to health soon because he'll have to chase me soon.

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