Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I WALKED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah right, April Fools. You seriously didn't belive that, did you? I know I'm special, but I'm not that special. I did get a ride from mom in the laundry bin, though. It's the next best thing.

When can we do donuts? Or when can I eat donuts?

Dad discovered that I am mesmerized by watching concerts on TV. Maybe rockstar is in the future.

Mom discovered that we can dress alike too.

Now got out there and not be so gullible...

Catch me if you can

It's like motion in pictures.

Anyone noticing a theme? Crawl, break, crawl, break, etc.

And then my GPS said, "You have reached your destination."
* Extra credit to those who realized I was in a different outfit from picture 1 to picture 2 and shouldn't be tolerated. See next post for explanation.

Behind the scenes

Blogging is hard work. It's a miracle that I get out as much as I do because of my hectic schedule of playing, sleeping and eating. A miracle. So I decided to give you a sneak peak of how things go down around here.

It starts with an inspiration. Me being absolutely adorable is a good way to start, and all it takes after that is either mom or dad taking pictures or shooting some video. They have to be on point because you never know when I'm going to break out into hilarity. It's a lot of pressure.
Dad and I about to do some video review in the war room.

Perfection is key. Every frame of every video must be carefully examined to make sure it's Corner worthy. After a little editing and some Meeks magic, it gets turned in to a story for the masses to enjoy. Thousands (tens) of photos must be looked over to pick out the very best for each post. Imagine the cover shoot for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue...

You have to be hands on if you want to be the best.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm a shrimp

They say, "you are what you eat." Well I'm a shrimp without ever eating one (I have to wait two years before shellfish). I had my 9 month check up the other day and I came in at 18 lbs. 2 oz and 27 1/4" long. Both put me in the 25th percentile for my age. So much for being the best baby ever. I guess I'll have to settle for cutest...

Hopefully there's a growth spurt around the corner. As much as I'm eating and moving around now, it's bound to catch up with me.

Later that day I decided to take it out on an unsuspecting package of paper towels. He never saw it coming.

But somebody decided they'd play a little joke.
Hilarious. Kiss it.


Title speaks for itself....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Saturday adventures

During the spring, dad has to work a lot of weekends due to the varsity tennis matches going on at work. He's not that happy to be gone from us that much, so it helps when mom and I pop up for a visit. Dad also just got a new office so I needed to explore.

Since our shirts matched, it looks like my head is just floating there. Weird
Actually, our whole outfit matched. I wonder if mom did that on purpose?

I checked out things at ground level but didn't find anything interesting except for computer wires and electrical outlets.

Later that afternoon it was back to play time and me standing again. Now the monkey and I can have our conversations face to face. He keeps singing the same song over and over, though. I thought monkeys were supposed to be smart...

Dinner time. Since it was such a hard day on us all and there were still 40 basketball games on, we decided to order in a little Pizza Hut. I've had some homemade pizza before, but nothing like the goodness of the Hut.

I got in to it with no problems, but it was a little messy.

All smiles here.

Random cuteness

This time of year is referred to in the sports world as March Madness. I guess it's because there are 100 basketball games on and no one can watch Dr. Phil in the afternoons. Madness. There was some camera madness in the Meeks household over the weekend and here are some of the more "sophisticated" and "artsy" shots of me doing what I do.

What happened to that baby we knew?

From now on, I would like to be referred to as Dos Cinqo

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Instead of boozing it up today with Guinness chest milk, I decided to do something more productive. Here are some random pictures taken over the weekend for your enjoyment. Some were taken with a camera phone = you're not drunk, they're just blurry. I mean, it is St. Patrick's Day.

Yes, add standing to my resume as well. I guess falling comes next.

I may be a momma's boy most of the time, but I do show pops some love.

Here I am making the trip underneath the dinner table at GP Michigan's house.
There was much rejoicing.

Always use protection. Unless you want one of me...

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Official

Parents, you better lock up your daughters because I can crawl now. That's right. After several weeks of rocking back and forth on all fours, I finally put all the motions together to move forward in a linear motion using only my hands and knees. It was very exciting. Mom and dad saw it first, but grandma and grandpa Georgia saw it shortly after.

Here's a before and after look at my progress. I began with the army crawl, where I would use mostly my elbows, stomach and legs to move underneath an imaginary barbwire fence above me. I'm sure you can follow the visual.

The first time I actually crawled was to get something on my play mat, and then I sat up by myself too. That would have been award winning footage, but instead I just got mom and dad looking at each other and screaming, "HE DID IT!" in very high pitched voices. I was like, "What? What happened? Did I poo again?"

Right after that they set me up for it.

I know it's not far, but I went much further that night at grandparents Michigan's house. I went all the way under the table. Wow. You know what's strange, though. I haven't seen that guitar since.

Here's some bonus footage of me "playing catch" with dad.

Grandparents weekend

Now that the snow and really cold weather is gone, grandma and grandpa Georgia decided to make a trip up to see me. And mom and dad too... They hadn't seen me since Christmas and couldn't get over how much I had changed. I guess I'm starting to exit the baby stage and becoming a little boy. Scary.

When they got in to town on Friday, dad picked them up and then came and got me at daycare so we could spend the afternoon together. I probably could have taken a nap but I was so excited to see them that we played for about 3 hours.

I tried to impress GP Georgia with my chugging technique.

I'm sure it's harder when there's liquid in the cup.

That night we stayed in and picked up some seafood from the local fish market/restaurant. Mom is not a fish fan so to gauge where I was on that topic, dad gave me some of his catfish...


On Saturday we decided to go on an expedition to Ikea, but went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch first. Mom, dad and I had been there a few weeks ago for a quick lunch trip and there are plenty of things to keep me occupied.

Like video games. I looks like I'll be a good driver.

Hopefully better than dad was the first three years he drove...

We spent the rest of the day hanging out and watching me be ridiculously cute. I put my tupperware helmet on and everything.

Saturday night was an event in itself. That gets it's own post...

Grandparents GA came over for a little bit on Sunday until I took my morning nap and dad shipped them back to the airport. They were delayed for a couple of hours but that just gave them more time to reflect on all the good times we had...

To cap the day off, dad and I went to watch mommy's soccer game. She scored three goals and got hacked and scratched by another lady on the other team. She called her like "fitch" or "witch" or something like that. Didn't seemed she liked her too much, though.

Monday, March 9, 2009

More video

I know you're probably still laughing from the video I put up yesterday, so I thought I would put up some more to keep the party going. Careful, they're slightly hilarious.

No alcohol was consumed in the taping of this next video.... Like I would bathe in alcohol.

My buddy

Now that Gaspar is back to normal, I've been trying to make nice and play with him. As you can see, he's just not that in to it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mac attack

That's right. I scored some triple cheese Easy Mac this weekend and learned the true definition of finger food. It really is easy to make, because I didn't have to do anything. I just sat back and watched dad add water and nuke it in the microwave. Easy.

The next part was the challenge. Getting it from point A (the tray) to point B (my mouth) with my little hands and fingers. Those noddles are slippery little guys.

Needless to say, this wasn't my neatest dining experience, and Gaspar also did a little clean up duty down below.

After it was all said and done, I probably got about a third of the bowl in to my mouth, a third in to Gaspar or my chair and then the rest in to some Tupperware for later.

Finger lickin' good!