Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 1 is in the books

One down, 56,160 (or so) to go. My first week out of the womb has been a pretty good one, I must say. By now, I have full confidence that moms and pops will take good care of me. They've got the two most important things, feeding me and changing my nasty diapers, down to a "T"; although I don't really know what that means. This past weekend was fairly uneventful, but let's recap.

Ready, aim, fire!!!!

Mom and dad have been pretty lucky when it comes to avoiding changing my diaper during a poop or pee session, however, Saturday night mommy's luck ran out...

It was almost bedtime and mom was changing me when my urine stream started to flow. I landed that stream on mom's midsection with sniper-like accuracy. She did her best to shield the stream but it was too late. I didn't even aim. It was just an involuntary reflex that couldn't be helped...sorry mommy. I thought she might learn her lesson and cover the little fella up, but about 4 hours later I did it again...and mom was all wet. She didn't like being wet, but I can't help it. You can only smile when you look at a face like this...

Thuuuuuumb.....thumb, thumb, thumb, thuuuumb. (think 1970's TV)

As good a sucker as I am, it was only a matter of time before I discovered my thumb. Although the doctor said that I don't even realize that my arms are connected to me for another few weeks, but what does he know? He's not a mindreader. I don't care who this thumb is connected to, I like to suck it. I didn't do it for too long and daddy didn't get a picture of it, but I'm sure you can imagine how cute it was.

Thanks Shay

I'm sure mom and dad will do whatever it takes to protect me from the dangers around the house, and thanks to my 2 year old neighbor Shay, they have some good examples of what to work on. Shay has wandered around the house and almost took himself down the basement stairs, opened up the cabinets that house medications and other things not good for me. The poor guy also banged his head on the corner of the kitchen table because there wasn't much space to get around it. Ouch. He took it more like a 5 year old and shook it off pretty quick. I hope mommy and daddy are taking notes....

* I also discovered a penchant for the hiccups....and they suck.

Other pics

R.I.P UGA VI...damn good dawg.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Video Time

Like all fathers, my dad shot some video of my first few days at the hospital and home. They're mostly for family who can't meet me yet and will have to wait a few months...I know the suspense is killing you. These vids are by no means America's Funniest Home Videos quality (yet) and the third one may make you a little sea-sick.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Where are you going with that thermometer?

I've been having a pretty good first week but I would be getting a true update on my progress at my first pediatrician visit. This was also my first trip away from home, other than the trip home. Mom was pretty excited to get me in to a snazzy outfit so I let her have her moment. I was hoping she kept it simple since I figured I would be butt naked at some point. She went with a simple LS t-shirt and some khaki shorts. I like her style. The only problem was that the shorts were a little big. I felt like Jared from those Subway commercials, but I guess I can grow in to them.

After I was dressed up and securely in my car seat, I decided to spit up. So then they had to take me out and clean me up and wipe off the seat cushion. And then we were on the way. We got there and mom checked us in. It didn't take long before a nurse took us back to a room and I was naked on an examining table...big surprise. Dad put me on a scale so that they could weigh me. 6 pounds, 15 ounces...5 more ounces of pure muscle, baby. I also grew a half steps.

I was then placed on my back and the nurse started coming at me with a thermometer. But instead of heading for my underarm, where they always did it at the hospital, she was going some where else.

Yeah, so she stuck it up my poop canon. Not cool. I screamed until I was out of breath. After the fuss died down, it read 98 degrees. Who cares, my butt hurts. I hope she calls me later. The rest of the visit went fine and mom and dad was told over and over how good I was doing and that I was the best baby they had ever seen, blah blah blah. I finished it up with a Hep B shot and a Looney Tunes band-aid. Let's go home.

That afternoon I got some visits from the neighbors and then my Michigan grandparents stopped by. They gave mom and dad some food and went on and on about how cute I am...never gets old. I get to meet my Georgia grandparents next weekend and I'm so excited. We'll see which ones can spoil me the on.

I finished the day with a bath and some more cuteness. It's a tough life I live. Have a good weekend and I'll give you my stories on Monday. I'm sure things will slow down around here, so expect at least weekly posts. Let me know what you think. Good luck to Spain against ze Germans in the Euro 2008 Final on Sunday.

Day 5....pump it up (out)

Technically this day began in the wee hours of Thursday morning. Mommy spent a few hours with me a little after midnight, feeding and cuddling with me. She really loves to hold me. You can't blame her, really. Around 3:30, she passed the baton off to dad so she could get some sleep. I was hungry and ready to eat, so I was wondering how this was going to work because dad doesn't have any milk dispensers on his chest. Then he came at me with a little hand-held version of mommy's boob. It didn't look quite the same but it tasted the same. I was confused for about a second and natural instinct took over. I sucked until I passed out.

After I woke up a couple hours later and was on mom's right boob, I started wondering how this could be possible. Later that morning I got my answer.

The pump. It's not the Reebok one that came in basketball shoes of the 1990's, it was much different. It was in a little backpack and had tubes coming out of it that connected to suction cups and storage containers. Mommy told me that she pumped to allow dad to feed me and because I get lazy and only feed off one of her boobs at a time. So she had to balance them out. I had no idea it was this complicated.

I guess all my sucking has been taking a toll on mommy too. She had dad buy frozen peas to put on her boobs because they get sore. Although my imagination at this point is limited, that's a pretty funny picture in my head. Why don't they just make boobie shaped ice packs?

Mental note...entrepreneurial ideas: boobie shaped ice pack. Sweet.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 4....why does everyone look so tired?

Did you know there's not jack on TV at 1:30 in the morning? Or 3:30, or 5:50? Actually, dad found out that the first Sportscenter comes on at 5 AM. I guess he hadn't had a reason to know that by know. They now have a reason to rock-n-roll all night long. What they are slowly figuring out is that I sleep when mommy was active and I'm awake when mommy did nothing. Quite a predicament. Daddy says he has a plan to change that all around....we'll see.

We were all up by 7:30 and wondering what was for breakfast. I
knew what I was having. Some left boobie, maybe with a side
of right if I felt like it. Mom and dad we're pretty lazy eyed, but I was ready for the day, so I followed breakfast with a nap. At least someone is sleeping.

Not much else was going on, though. The parents made an appointment with my new doctor for tomorrow and I was like, "great, that's all I need is to see another doctor." I guess this one is in for the long haul, so I'll be on my best behavior and try not to pee on her. Fingers crossed.

Speaking of peeing on, daddy missed getting projectile pooed on by about 30 seconds when he changed my diaper around lunch time. Talk about a close call. He still had to change my diaper twice within a minute, though. Practice makes perfect, and I have to say he's getting pretty good at it.

That afternoon daddy and I watched the Euro 2008 soccer game between Spain and Russia while mom and Gaspar took a nap. They were cute, but I'm probably cuter when I sleep. Anyway, Spain beat Russia 3 - 0 in a route, and dad tried to teach me about confusing. He also stressed the importance of using the wings when counter-attacking. Slow it down pops, I need to learn how to crawl first.

After that, one of mommy's best friends Nikki and her two sons came by to visit. Mommy always talked about these guys and how I had to live up to being as cute. Bring it on! They're good looking kids but I'm not worried. Sue, one of mom's other really good friends, came to see me in the hospital with her three kids. They're all right too, but we'll see who gets the girls. Rwwwrrrr....

That night mommy and daddy tried to keep me awake as much as possible, but I swear there's like tryptophan in mommy's milk. I'll do my best guys, but I'm not promising anything.

That's it for now, but I'll report on the doctor's visit tomorrow. Until then....Meeks, out.

Day 4 Photos

Where'd my hands go?

Who's cuter? Tough call.

I know this is a lot of pictures of me, but it IS my blog...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3....momma I'm comin' home!!!

After another successful night in the nursery, my mommy and daddy came down to get me around 7:30 AM. I told them I hoped they got a good night sleep because it was the last one they'd have for a while...hah. We hung out in the room as more nurses and boobie feeding consultants checked in and out. I think mommy is getting tired of old women grabbing her boob and shoving it in my mouth...but I don't mind.

Apparently we weren't staying in that lousy excuse for a hotel room much longer, so mom and pops started packing up our stuff and filling out paperwork. I was looking forward to this place called home. They kept telling me that they couldn't wait to get me there and use all the fun stuff they had gotten. But they also told a nurse they were trying to sell the house, so I was a little confused. Why would they sell something they wanted to take me to so bad...weird. Dad put me a new outfit that was different that all of the other ones. It was red and had a big "G" on it. I assumed it was for Garrett but dad told me it was for Georgia and he made me do some chant and bark at the end. I couldn't really do it, but I'll practice.

We had a special visitor before we left. He was the doctor my momma had gone to for the last 10 months to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. He approved. He also bet my parents that they would be back, even though mom and dad are hesitant. I could do some serious point shaving for that outcome...After the final checklist with the nurse, I was in the car seat and we were on the way. I enjoyed the drive, but staring at the back seat got pretty boring. Mommy wouldn't let dad turn up the tunes pooper.

And then we were home....

Someone really rolled out the welcome wagon (thanks Nikki and Sue) and knew I was coming. I don't know why they had that long necked, white bird dangling from the gutter. Is that normal...? Mom and dad brought me inside and it looked like a hurricane had come through. Then I remembered that my parents had rushed out at 2 AM and probably didn't have time to straighten up. No biggie. Mom gave me the tour and dad left to go get something.

Who's this guy...?

Oh, it was that Gaspar I had been told some much about. They didn't tell me that he didn't look like everyone else, walked on all of his legs and didn't talk. I though he might be "special" at first, but I guess he's just a dog. He didn't bother me too much but he did smell me up quite a bit later. I hope he knows that I'm the big man on campus now.

Dad proceeded to put together all of these crazy contraptions that he said he should have done weeks ago. They were pretty cool and I got to sit or lay in all of them. I really like the rocker's nice. After sucking on mommy for a while, I took a nap and made a huge mess in my pants while mom and dad were feeding. That was interesting. Mom must have used five of those wipey things on me.

Buy stock in those things now!

After that ordeal I got my second bath. It was a little chilly but it felt good. I'd post some pictures, but apparently stuff like that is called NSFW...not safe for work. Whatever, I'm new to this blogging thing. There was more napping and feeding and napping, etc. Daddy was watching the college world series and started saying some of the words mommy was screaming on my way out of the birth canal, so I thought he was having another little guy like me, but he was just unhappy with UGA's level of play. Confusing. Well this is my first night with my parents so buckle up. I'll let you know how it goes....

Day 3 Photos

Me in the snuggle seat...

Me in the jungle swing...thanks aunt Melissa!
By the way, I had a huge butt explosion right after this picture

Me in the car seat...


My mommy and the OB that kept tabs on me the last 10 months

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day Two....circum whaaaaat?!?!?!?

Ok, so my first day out in the real world was a pretty busy one, but day two would be much more intense. I spent the night in the nursery so my parents could get some sleep and someone would be constently watching me. Apparently I swallowed some amniuhhhh.....birth fluid, and they wanted to see if I would spit up....and I did. I hurled a few times and the nurses were scared to call my parents because it would upset them. They came looking for me at 4:30 AM to feed and I was fine by then.

I spent the morning with mom and dad watching the Today Show and Sportscenter...I like Sportscenter better. I fed with my mom as usual as she met with a boobie feeding specialist and she said I was a heck of a sucker. I guess that's a good thing in this case. I then proceeded to spit up on my mommy for the first time. It was fun and kind of felt good, but I don't think everyone else enjoyed it. I also discovered the art of tooting. Nice. I know I'm young, but I think I'm pretty good at it. It seems to make mom and dad laugh.

Daddy drove home to get mommy a few things, the camera cable and to take a shower. He smelled much better. After he got back, a woman came in to talk about a procedure called circumcission, and mommy and daddy were all about it. They didn't even ask me my opinion. So about an hour later she took me away and gave me a little pill and made my pee pee numb. She proceeded to take clamps and make little cuts here and there around what I used to think was my third arm. It kind of stung then, but after a little while it really started to hurt if it got touched. I had to have vaseline spread all over the little guy every time I was checked. Why would my parents do that to me?

I was pretty sleepy that afternoon, but I ate quite a bit. Same menu as the day before...Mommy found time to take a shower while daddy and I watched Taking Home Baby on TLC. Fitting. I'm sure I'll do as well as those boring duds. Oh, and then I peed for the first time, I think.

Daddy made me watch Jeopardy and told me not to wonder why they answered in the form of a question. Weird. Then it was the UGA baseball game and Hell's Kitchen. Daddy told me that he wouldn't mind if "dawg" was my first word instead of "momma" or "dadda". So, I'll have to work on that.

Other than that it was just more sleeping and sucking. I guess tomorrow I get to meet this Gaspar fella I keep hearing about. Could be interesting...

Day 1 Photos

Birth...What a bitch

So, I've been in this world about a day and a half now and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. It all started about 2 AM on Monday morning. I was hanging out in my mother's uterus when all of a sudden I started pushing my way towards the bottom. They call it "dropping" out here in the world of the born. I didn't know what was really happening but I could tell it wasn't a barrel of monkeys since I could hear yelps of pain coming from outside. About an hour later I think we started traveling in the car, and I could tell my dad was driving since we made smooth turns and accelerated out of them....Things started getting crazier about a half hour later and some fingers started poking around towards the bottom, like they do every week or so now. I kept heading to the bottom with the idea that I was leaving my home of fluid and dull sounds. Uh oh.

Apparently, my mommy got a pain reliever called epidural...and she didn't feel me travel that much more. At about 8 AM momma started really pushing and sliding me out although she probably wouldn't say that did that much sliding. Some guy grabbed my head, then my midsection and then I just kind of popped out. It was all cold and I was scared, so I did what some people do when they're scared...they poop their pants. Except I didn't have pants yet.

Then I saw the beautiful woman I was living inside for the past 10 months. And then I saw the guy who's fault they said this was...daddy. He cut my food cord, that bastard. They were both pretty cool and just kept smiling at me. I even think daddy started to cry a little. They let me lay there for a few minutes before some other woman grabbed me and started measuring me and weighing me and put some bracelets on me. What the hell was going on?

A little later everyone started holding me and passing me around like I was part of a family style dinner. And there were so many little flashes and clicks going off. What's up with that? There were some other people there...grandparents I think. They were much older than my parents. We got moved to another room where we would stay the rest of the day. It was much smaller and I had my own little, clear bed. But I didn't spend much time in there. All these women dressed in blue and green kept coming in looking at me and asking my parents questions. How was I supposed to get any sleep?

And then I learned how I was going to eat for the next few months...My momma grabbed me like a football (my daddy says Herschel Walker was pretty good at it) and pushed me up on her boobie. I naturally knew to start sucking and this creamy liquid started coming out. It wasn't filet mignon, but it would do. Mommy also had two different dispensers to choose from. I thought they'd be different flavors, like chocolate and vanilla, but not so much. Oh well.

I took a couple of naps and stared at my parents for the rest of the day. I didn't really know what to expect, and it seemed like my parents didn't know either. Super....I also got a bath, which was nice, and they tested me for all kinds of other little things. The next few days (weeks, months, years, etc.) should be interesting and I'll tell you all about them as they come.