Friday, June 27, 2008

Where are you going with that thermometer?

I've been having a pretty good first week but I would be getting a true update on my progress at my first pediatrician visit. This was also my first trip away from home, other than the trip home. Mom was pretty excited to get me in to a snazzy outfit so I let her have her moment. I was hoping she kept it simple since I figured I would be butt naked at some point. She went with a simple LS t-shirt and some khaki shorts. I like her style. The only problem was that the shorts were a little big. I felt like Jared from those Subway commercials, but I guess I can grow in to them.

After I was dressed up and securely in my car seat, I decided to spit up. So then they had to take me out and clean me up and wipe off the seat cushion. And then we were on the way. We got there and mom checked us in. It didn't take long before a nurse took us back to a room and I was naked on an examining table...big surprise. Dad put me on a scale so that they could weigh me. 6 pounds, 15 ounces...5 more ounces of pure muscle, baby. I also grew a half steps.

I was then placed on my back and the nurse started coming at me with a thermometer. But instead of heading for my underarm, where they always did it at the hospital, she was going some where else.

Yeah, so she stuck it up my poop canon. Not cool. I screamed until I was out of breath. After the fuss died down, it read 98 degrees. Who cares, my butt hurts. I hope she calls me later. The rest of the visit went fine and mom and dad was told over and over how good I was doing and that I was the best baby they had ever seen, blah blah blah. I finished it up with a Hep B shot and a Looney Tunes band-aid. Let's go home.

That afternoon I got some visits from the neighbors and then my Michigan grandparents stopped by. They gave mom and dad some food and went on and on about how cute I am...never gets old. I get to meet my Georgia grandparents next weekend and I'm so excited. We'll see which ones can spoil me the on.

I finished the day with a bath and some more cuteness. It's a tough life I live. Have a good weekend and I'll give you my stories on Monday. I'm sure things will slow down around here, so expect at least weekly posts. Let me know what you think. Good luck to Spain against ze Germans in the Euro 2008 Final on Sunday.

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