Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3....momma I'm comin' home!!!

After another successful night in the nursery, my mommy and daddy came down to get me around 7:30 AM. I told them I hoped they got a good night sleep because it was the last one they'd have for a while...hah. We hung out in the room as more nurses and boobie feeding consultants checked in and out. I think mommy is getting tired of old women grabbing her boob and shoving it in my mouth...but I don't mind.

Apparently we weren't staying in that lousy excuse for a hotel room much longer, so mom and pops started packing up our stuff and filling out paperwork. I was looking forward to this place called home. They kept telling me that they couldn't wait to get me there and use all the fun stuff they had gotten. But they also told a nurse they were trying to sell the house, so I was a little confused. Why would they sell something they wanted to take me to so bad...weird. Dad put me a new outfit that was different that all of the other ones. It was red and had a big "G" on it. I assumed it was for Garrett but dad told me it was for Georgia and he made me do some chant and bark at the end. I couldn't really do it, but I'll practice.

We had a special visitor before we left. He was the doctor my momma had gone to for the last 10 months to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. He approved. He also bet my parents that they would be back, even though mom and dad are hesitant. I could do some serious point shaving for that outcome...After the final checklist with the nurse, I was in the car seat and we were on the way. I enjoyed the drive, but staring at the back seat got pretty boring. Mommy wouldn't let dad turn up the tunes pooper.

And then we were home....

Someone really rolled out the welcome wagon (thanks Nikki and Sue) and knew I was coming. I don't know why they had that long necked, white bird dangling from the gutter. Is that normal...? Mom and dad brought me inside and it looked like a hurricane had come through. Then I remembered that my parents had rushed out at 2 AM and probably didn't have time to straighten up. No biggie. Mom gave me the tour and dad left to go get something.

Who's this guy...?

Oh, it was that Gaspar I had been told some much about. They didn't tell me that he didn't look like everyone else, walked on all of his legs and didn't talk. I though he might be "special" at first, but I guess he's just a dog. He didn't bother me too much but he did smell me up quite a bit later. I hope he knows that I'm the big man on campus now.

Dad proceeded to put together all of these crazy contraptions that he said he should have done weeks ago. They were pretty cool and I got to sit or lay in all of them. I really like the rocker's nice. After sucking on mommy for a while, I took a nap and made a huge mess in my pants while mom and dad were feeding. That was interesting. Mom must have used five of those wipey things on me.

Buy stock in those things now!

After that ordeal I got my second bath. It was a little chilly but it felt good. I'd post some pictures, but apparently stuff like that is called NSFW...not safe for work. Whatever, I'm new to this blogging thing. There was more napping and feeding and napping, etc. Daddy was watching the college world series and started saying some of the words mommy was screaming on my way out of the birth canal, so I thought he was having another little guy like me, but he was just unhappy with UGA's level of play. Confusing. Well this is my first night with my parents so buckle up. I'll let you know how it goes....

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