Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day Two....circum whaaaaat?!?!?!?

Ok, so my first day out in the real world was a pretty busy one, but day two would be much more intense. I spent the night in the nursery so my parents could get some sleep and someone would be constently watching me. Apparently I swallowed some amniuhhhh.....birth fluid, and they wanted to see if I would spit up....and I did. I hurled a few times and the nurses were scared to call my parents because it would upset them. They came looking for me at 4:30 AM to feed and I was fine by then.

I spent the morning with mom and dad watching the Today Show and Sportscenter...I like Sportscenter better. I fed with my mom as usual as she met with a boobie feeding specialist and she said I was a heck of a sucker. I guess that's a good thing in this case. I then proceeded to spit up on my mommy for the first time. It was fun and kind of felt good, but I don't think everyone else enjoyed it. I also discovered the art of tooting. Nice. I know I'm young, but I think I'm pretty good at it. It seems to make mom and dad laugh.

Daddy drove home to get mommy a few things, the camera cable and to take a shower. He smelled much better. After he got back, a woman came in to talk about a procedure called circumcission, and mommy and daddy were all about it. They didn't even ask me my opinion. So about an hour later she took me away and gave me a little pill and made my pee pee numb. She proceeded to take clamps and make little cuts here and there around what I used to think was my third arm. It kind of stung then, but after a little while it really started to hurt if it got touched. I had to have vaseline spread all over the little guy every time I was checked. Why would my parents do that to me?

I was pretty sleepy that afternoon, but I ate quite a bit. Same menu as the day before...Mommy found time to take a shower while daddy and I watched Taking Home Baby on TLC. Fitting. I'm sure I'll do as well as those boring duds. Oh, and then I peed for the first time, I think.

Daddy made me watch Jeopardy and told me not to wonder why they answered in the form of a question. Weird. Then it was the UGA baseball game and Hell's Kitchen. Daddy told me that he wouldn't mind if "dawg" was my first word instead of "momma" or "dadda". So, I'll have to work on that.

Other than that it was just more sleeping and sucking. I guess tomorrow I get to meet this Gaspar fella I keep hearing about. Could be interesting...

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