Monday, June 30, 2008

Week 1 is in the books

One down, 56,160 (or so) to go. My first week out of the womb has been a pretty good one, I must say. By now, I have full confidence that moms and pops will take good care of me. They've got the two most important things, feeding me and changing my nasty diapers, down to a "T"; although I don't really know what that means. This past weekend was fairly uneventful, but let's recap.

Ready, aim, fire!!!!

Mom and dad have been pretty lucky when it comes to avoiding changing my diaper during a poop or pee session, however, Saturday night mommy's luck ran out...

It was almost bedtime and mom was changing me when my urine stream started to flow. I landed that stream on mom's midsection with sniper-like accuracy. She did her best to shield the stream but it was too late. I didn't even aim. It was just an involuntary reflex that couldn't be helped...sorry mommy. I thought she might learn her lesson and cover the little fella up, but about 4 hours later I did it again...and mom was all wet. She didn't like being wet, but I can't help it. You can only smile when you look at a face like this...

Thuuuuuumb.....thumb, thumb, thumb, thuuuumb. (think 1970's TV)

As good a sucker as I am, it was only a matter of time before I discovered my thumb. Although the doctor said that I don't even realize that my arms are connected to me for another few weeks, but what does he know? He's not a mindreader. I don't care who this thumb is connected to, I like to suck it. I didn't do it for too long and daddy didn't get a picture of it, but I'm sure you can imagine how cute it was.

Thanks Shay

I'm sure mom and dad will do whatever it takes to protect me from the dangers around the house, and thanks to my 2 year old neighbor Shay, they have some good examples of what to work on. Shay has wandered around the house and almost took himself down the basement stairs, opened up the cabinets that house medications and other things not good for me. The poor guy also banged his head on the corner of the kitchen table because there wasn't much space to get around it. Ouch. He took it more like a 5 year old and shook it off pretty quick. I hope mommy and daddy are taking notes....

* I also discovered a penchant for the hiccups....and they suck.

Other pics

R.I.P UGA VI...damn good dawg.

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