Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pic of the Day

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ever wonder how I got my name?
So this week, some Garretts from Georgia made the trip up to meet me for the first time. My great-grandmother, Mamay Garrett, and her son and other daughter (GA grandmother's twin), Ben and Nette...which would be great-uncle and great-aunt, respectively. I'm going to need a flow chart to keep all these people straight. I am Mamay's first great-grandchild, so she was pretty excited to say the least.

As you can tell, I was pretty excited myself. Dad told me about all the goodies she makes in the kitchen; chicken & dumplings, sausage balls and pinwheels, pound cake, etc...so I thought I would do some kissing up. It couldn't hurt, right?
Here are some pictures from dinner at MI grandparents' house.

Monday, July 28, 2008
We made it

Friday, July 25, 2008
So hopefully everyone catches up on a little sleep this weekend.
Last night was pretty exciting. One of mom's friends that she used to play soccer with was in from out of town so she came over to see her (me).

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Picture Gallery
Friday, July 18, 2008
Art, anyone?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My first training session
Yeah, I just turned three weeks old yesterday, but I thought I would get an early start on things so mom and dad helped me through a training session. I started off with some easy weights and leg presses.

Look at that technique...
After a short cool down, we moved on to some ball skills. Mommy seems to be the offensive guru in the house, while daddy is the defensive enforcer, so I should end up being a very well balanced player. Either way, you need to be good with the ball at your feet.
Here I am working with the outside of my foot. Eat it Ronaldo.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Hey, baby...
She may be checking this site so I'll put some pictures up of how cute I can be.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What's for dinner?
This week also proved to be an exciting one when it came to food. Although I'm stuck on chest milk for a while, I get to experience a variety of goodies vicariously through mom. Whatever she eats, I end up getting one way or another. She and dad branched out on what they ate this week and these are some of the things I had for the first time:
- Pizza - quite possibly the greatest thing ever...why don't people eat this every day?
- Club sandwich - dad says clubs are always a party
- Apple pie - apparently it's so good they made a movie about it
- Vanilla ice cream (on top of pie) - one thing I do not scream for
- Mac & cheese - it goes with everything
- Spaghetti & meatballs - can you eat just the meatball part?
- Hot dog - I was a little confused on this one. I thought dogs were pets, not dinner. Gaspar didn't budge when he heard that's what we were eating, so I figured it was OK.
- Leftover pizza - as good as the first time.
- Green beans - ummm, the jury is still out on this one.
Obviously they ate some healthy things too, but they're boring. I don't really know what the difference is though, it all comes out of my butt looking the same....like Grey Poupon country mustard. Sorry.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
MTV Cribs...Meeks edition
Not bad, huh? They didn't even break anything either. I also have a changing table and glider chair that are not pictured. Hooked up. I felt bad though, because everyone was working so hard and all I could do was....
Hey, we all have our roles.
Happy red, white and blue day!
We went over to my Michigan grandparents' house for a bbq (no vowels?). Everyone wanted to hold me (not a surprise) and I thought they were going to start playing paper, rock, scissors for who was going to get me next. It was camera city, too. It's a good thing my eye sight is not fully formed or my rods and cones would have been fried by the flashes. And then there was great-grandma Michigan, Nana.