Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy red, white and blue day!

I don't know what all the fuss is about, but I do know that the only colors that I saw today were red, white and blue. Apparently it was someones birthday, but if it's not mine, then I don't care. Today was also the day that my Georgia grandparents were coming to town, and the first time they would meet me. I've already had a good time with my Michigan grandparents, so I was guessing that this would be a party as well. And so it began....

We went over to my Michigan grandparents' house for a bbq (no vowels?). Everyone wanted to hold me (not a surprise) and I thought they were going to start playing paper, rock, scissors for who was going to get me next. It was camera city, too. It's a good thing my eye sight is not fully formed or my rods and cones would have been fried by the flashes. And then there was great-grandma Michigan, Nana.

I met her just briefly on day 4, but got more acquainted tonight. As you can see in the picture, dad is ready to jump in if needed. Nana had no problem, though, and my head was supported at all times. After a few more ooohhhs and aahhhhs, it was back home for a night of two hours naps. Sorry mom and dad.

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