Friday, July 18, 2008

Art, anyone?

This week mom decided to take me on a little adventure to my Michigan grandparents' art gallery. I don't know much about art, but a trip outside the house is worth the effort. So momma got me and the dog all suited up and ready to go. Of course I get buckled in to a thousand different things before we can drive anywhere, but even Gaspar has a harness that he has to wear in the car that buckles in...hilarious.

Here's me with my MI grandma...she just gave Gaspar 8 dog treats...

Me and the best mom ever.

The next day my mom's uncle came in to town. I have no idea about how relatives work past grandparents, so you do the geneology.

1 comment:

Meghin Gani said...

Busy little guy; working out and now art galleries. Well rounded!! Good job mom & dad!!