Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Grandparents Strike (Come) Back

Dad says that very few movie sequels ever live up to their predecessor's glory and hype, but that there are a couple of exceptions. Like The Empire Strikes Back as the sequel to Star Wars. After the Death Star is blown to bits, it really makes you wonder how they can top that, but the development of the characters creates an epic storyline.

So any way, my Georgia grandparents were on the way back up for their second visit with me. They had a great time during the first visit, so you would wonder if the second one could live up to that special weekend, especially after my diaper was blown to bits.
We were off to a good start, but so was Hans Solo.

My growth and development amazed them, much like Luke Skywalker's Jedi skills.

With all of the attention on mom and I, dad and Gaspar slipped to the dark (sleepy) side.

Since it was Labor Day weekend, they were here through Sunday, so there was plenty of time to entertain them with my cuteness. Mom and dad went out to eat on Friday night so grandma and grandpa GA got a little alone time with me. Since I was smiling and laughing now, they couldn't get enough.

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