With all of this talk about Sweden, you probably think that we have a tripped planned to Europe. Not so. Instead, we decided to visit a little piece of Sweden right here in southeast Michigan. Ikea.

As you can see, I was raring to go on this adventure.
If you have ever been to Ikea, then you know it is a place like no other department or retail store. It's unique. I don't know if Ikea operates like every other business in Sweden, because they take care of your every need. Dad said he had a Swedish exchange student named Johan in his class during high school and the only thing he learned about Sweden was how to curse in the Nordic tongue. Good job dad.
When you first get to Ikea, even the parking lot is unique. There's "Family Friendly" parking. I couldn't tell if the spaces were any bigger, but hey, at least it was close to the building.
Here's mom loading me up in the Baby Bjorne. I wonder if that's Swedish too...
As we entered the building you had an option to dump your kids off at a little play area so a high school kid making minimum wage could chase them around. No thanks. Instead we went up an escalator to begin the shopping journey with neatly marked paths. I'm not kidding, they've got huge arrows on the ground to tell you which direction you "should" go. There were a ton of Ikea employees wondering around with bright yellow shirts waiting to pounce if anyone got off track. We decided to play it safe and take the recommended path.
There were a lot of neat things there and very well priced. One would think that maybe the quality would be lacking since the price was so low, but they've been in business for a long time. Maybe the sweat shops are just more prevalent in Sweden than we think...I dunno.

After a good walk through, mom and dad had some ideas and were ready to roll. I left very impressed. By the way, they do sell Swedish meatballs there....seriously.

We stopped to pick up lunch on the way home and as you can tell, I did not care what was on the menu.
* This week mom goes back to work and I start daycare....it could be interesting.
He is getting so big!!! I can't wait to see him next week!!! We will be back in MI on Sun!
Holy crap! He looks JUST like Bill in that picture in the car seat:)
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