Sunday, August 24, 2008

Two month check-up

Although I officially turned eight weeks old on Monday, I had to wait until this past Saturday for my two month check-up. Mom and dad were very eager to see how much I weighed and how much more I've grown. I, on the other hand, was not looking forward to this visit due to the fact that it was time for me to get four vaccinations = four shots.

Here I am before the trip. You can see the concern on my face.
When we got to the office we only had to wait a minute or so before we were brought back to an exam room. At least we got one with a view....of the parking lot. At least it was something to look at. A minute or so later a nurse came in and asked how I was doing, blah, blah, blah...strip.

I see underwear ads in my future.

Dad got me down to my diaper and after a quick look over, I was measured and weighed. I was now 22 1/2 inches long and weighed 12 lbs 6 oz. If you're scoring at home, that means I have grown almost 3 inches and gained just over 5 lbs since my two week visit. Good job mom. The doctor later told us that those numbers put me in the 50th - 75th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. I don't know much about percentages except that I am 100% adorable.

The doctor's record keeping methods concern me.

So after the pleasantries were over, here came the shots. I got a dose of Tylenol to help me with the pain, but that was going to take some time. The nurse grabbed the needles and started injecting a couple in each of my legs. It was one of those pains that takes a second to register, but once it does, here comes the crying. Dad said I turned as red as an apple. Not fun.

And all I got out of it were two Snoopy band-aids.

Mom and dad decided to celebrate my progress by going out for a few hours...without me. But that gave me the chance to hang out with my Michigan grandparents before their trip to Alaska. Tell the Inuits I said hello....or are they the ones from Canada?

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