I see underwear ads in my future.
Dad got me down to my diaper and after a quick look over, I was measured and weighed. I was now 22 1/2 inches long and weighed 12 lbs 6 oz. If you're scoring at home, that means I have grown almost 3 inches and gained just over 5 lbs since my two week visit. Good job mom. The doctor later told us that those numbers put me in the 50th - 75th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. I don't know much about percentages except that I am 100% adorable.
The doctor's record keeping methods concern me.
So after the pleasantries were over, here came the shots. I got a dose of Tylenol to help me with the pain, but that was going to take some time. The nurse grabbed the needles and started injecting a couple in each of my legs. It was one of those pains that takes a second to register, but once it does, here comes the crying. Dad said I turned as red as an apple. Not fun.
And all I got out of it were two Snoopy band-aids.

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