Monday, August 18, 2008

"It's Been a Hard Day's Night...

...and I should be sleeping, like a log.?" This Beatles tune couldn't have rung more true for me on Saturday. Thanks to various activities, I was awake from 9 AM to 10 PM solid, with only this little siesta I took on my aunt Melissa's chest.

She was in town to see family and of course she had to come over and visit with me. She, my mom and I took a little walk down to Panera for lunch while dad worked in the yard (we brought him back something, though). When we got back, mom and Melissa went over some interior ideas to help sell the house.


Later on, mom and dad had some friends over for a little bbq, so I helped dad in the kitchen and watched mom clean up a little. Some how I stayed awake through dinner and social time and was even on my best behavior while being held.

After everyone left, it was bath time. I like taking a bath, especially when they spray my butt with the sink hose. It usually calms me down and I spend a little time in front of the space heater to help dry me out.

So you would think it would be time for me to pass out, right? Oh no. Mom and dad did all the right things but I just did not want to go to bed. Maybe I wanted to see more Olympic highlights...I dunno. It took a good hour for me to settle down and go to sleep...around 11 PM. Sorry guys. Remember I'm cute.

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